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Alan G. chronic fatigue?
I had something like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, decided it was a form of TMS and got better. :)

I say it was 'like CFS', because I never had it diagnosed. But here were the symptoms:
1. Low energy/fatigue.
2. Felt like I had a cold or flu or terrible allergies that wouldn't go away.
3. Both #1 and #2 were magnified by moderate exercise or a day with lots of physical exertion.

I've suffered with this off and on over the past several years. I just recently got fed up with it and decided it was some kind of TMS. I started journaling (again), re-reading Dr. Sarno's books, consciously thinking about my feelings during the day(again), etc., etc.

The problem went away rather quickly. I've noticed this pattern a lot... that I have to get fed up, decide it's TMS, start doing the things needed to get better... and then I finally get better.

FYI - I have been pain free for around seven years now, thanks to Dr. Sarno.