1. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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Surprised, grateful and worried
I think that many of us have at least one symptom that is harder to banish than others. I've thankfully not had pelvic symptoms, but I do have a brain fog/dizziness sensation that comes back instantly with stress, even though I find many of the symptoms that I started with are now easy to banish or never came back after I started this work six years ago.

The thing is, your brain will continue trying to repress and distract, and continue trying to keep you in fear. It will dazzle you with new symptoms, or with changing symptoms, or it will dig in its heels and make your worst symptom worse than ever.

Take deep breaths, drink plenty of water, and find some positive affirmations that you can say out loud, to talk back to your brain. This is surprisingly effective.