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Alex B. Brain fog and TMS
I also had GI issues; IBS and then Acid Reflux, but when I learned that TMS can also manifest these GI symptoms, I stopped all medications and focused on my TMS learning and I have been symptom free ever since. I also had similar experience with my anxiety, but for me it was best described as an out of body experience or like living in a cloud of fog. It got so bad I felt like I was lousing my mind. When you get overwhelmed and your mind is racing with all the "what ifs" and the crazy possibilities, you have to stop your mind. I do this through very simple daily mindful meditations. If you have not yet read "Unlearn Your Pain". I recommend it. For me it was a modern interpretation of Dr. Sarno's books and very helpful. You must keep reminding your self that these symptoms (what ever they may be) are only TMS; your unconscious mind manifesting physical symptoms to create a distraction. I lost years trying to find other reasons for my symptoms, but every time they were PPD/TMS. Don't fall into that trap. Just invest in yourself and do one or more or the programs and you will have a break through. I went from IBS, to server back pain, to Acid Reflux, then more back pain, then anxiety attacks and brain fog. Sometimes multiple symptoms at one time. For me certain work and life stresses triggered my TMS. You need to learn to find your triggers. The programs will help you do that. The good news is that YOU can stop TMS and your not the only one dealing with these crazy symptoms. Best of luck Huckleberry...