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Sleep Problems need more focus
The process that Dr. Sarno uncovered is amazing in its elegance. It's not really new, but in the past it was being practiced mainly by psychologists and psychiatrists, not by practicing clinicians. So his was revolutionary in that sense because he took it to mainstream medicine.

The process is working in everyone who wants to heal. By that I mean people who are ready to heal. Many are not ready, they still need the diversion. Seeking placebos, continually gathering information, asking questions they already know the answers to just to talk to others, etc.

When you take TMS to its highest level, you will see that all suffering comes from feeling alone and emotionally isolated. When I work with people I tell them of the times in life that I seemed to be observing it through a glass window. This isolation is the cause... and it's called loneliness. Most of the people that Dr. Sarno saw told him that they felt their parents never gave them enough emotional support. This is the same thing I'm seeing now.

I created that word "tracordify" to explain this deep need. If you can get to these larger complexes you can heal without doing all the tedious work. But ritual is very powerful, and often needed to walk us more slowly back home. Things like EFT are rituals that people need to control the pace of healing. It's all too much emotionally to accept at once and so rituals can lead us there more safely.

Pain comes from feeling alone. Healing is based only on belief.

When Dr. Sarno speaks people lean forward to listen due to his great experience. He rarely endorsed books because he wasn't a business person and he had to deeply believe in it. But he did understand pain better than any doctor in history. So when he says, "these people are suffering because they want to be good people," everyone should heed those powerful words. They want to be good people so they will be accepted, not rejected, not alone anymore. They allow the outer world to form them, but in that process they lose themselves, their own wants and needs, and this is where the deeper rage stems.

The entire pain process is a chain reaction beginning with separation. So get it back together...through education.
