Awwww. Thanks Alan. Well a big part of building these strategies has been working with a tms therapist who is trained to help me recognize fight or flight/anxiety (which often tried to cover up emotion and maybe more importantly covering up my emotions with behaviours (smiling as a coping strategy or trick to outwardly disguise discomfort).
Another huge strategy for me is recognizing when I'm in fight or flight and replacing the destructive behaviours (cleaning or making things that are uncertain certain) with utilizing either self love strategies to support myself through it or acknowledge and accept that that's just where I am and that's okay. Accepting just what I'm giving myself or feeling without too much judgment has been big for me.
Another thing is working through the fear. And accepting that there is nothing actually wrong with me but then!!!!!!! Retraining those neural pathways by replacing that thought pattern with new behaviours (doing that physical movement anyways because I'm just fine)
I had a huge moment this week where I realized that success for me isn't measured by how often I'm feeling in fight it flight or feeling pain etc but it's measured by what I do when that happens. Every time I feel those things it's a great opportunity for me to practice that so now they just don't scare me the same.
I have a long way to go but I've come super far and happy about that. I've challenged myself and celebrated huge successes! (Like holding my son and returning to work!)
I think that was rather long winded...hopefully I answered your question...
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- Alan G. TMS and PTSD