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Anybody else have dry eyes?
Yes - dry eyes can be caused by an overactive sympathetic nervous system, due to stress and powerful emotions: http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/having-trouble-believing-dry-eye-is-tms.17399/#post-92197 (Having trouble believing dry eye is tms)

NameK, some of the posters on these forums aren't aware of the long-term health anxiety you've had, all the different conditions you've feared, and the various symptoms you've experienced and how they're connected to your health anxiety. You're going to get advice from people who don't understand this about your specific situation, and it may lead you down a path where you think something else is wrong with you. It's important that you don't go down that path; the way to avoid this is by managing your health anxiety.

And whenever someone online says there's no cure for something, remember that there's probably a bunch more people off those forums who have indeed gotten over those same issues. Plenty of us have recovered from dry eyes. Focus on success stories, and work toward getting to a point where you don't even need to think about success stories - you just instinctually know healing is possible and that you're going to be OK.

Look at this other post from the same thread I pulled above as an example - occasionally, someone on a health forum presents other participants with mind-body/TMS information. KittyKat was lucky to have received this information, and they healed. Can you imagine what would have happened if they had only been told there was no cure and they'd be suffering forever? The mind is a powerful thing: http://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/having-trouble-believing-dry-eye-is-tms.17399/#post-92350 (Having trouble believing dry eye is tms)