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Need advice on getting a good therapist

Thank you Cactusflower I appreciate your response. And to answer your question at the moment I am mainly just using Meditation and gradual exposure to more exercise. However having said that yes I have spent many years using the I have learnt regularly and incorporated them into my daily life. I get to the point where I have been using them so long with no change there is obviously not going to be a change if I keep doing the same thing. I then adjust and continue and still get the same thing. I understand what you mean by living from the heart and I try to do that although I could probably do more work on that well,I could definitely do more work on that. I am always working on gratitude and self compassion as well. I do so much work on living from the heart however maybe I need more guidance with it as it has not got me better.

I have only looked at the practitioners on TMSwiki and there are so many I don't know how to choose?

I do not have much left in the tank and it is all that overwhelming to me trying to find someone that will suit me.