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Insomnia, sports and anxiety
I have been having this same issue brother. I didn't really think it was TMS as much as my TMS personality.
Last year I quit playing night games because of it. Most of our games are night games so I missed a LOT of games. Then, Sunday I played a game at NOON and felt great! And that night I still had a tossing and turning night of sleep??????? I even did a lot of stuff after the game to make sure I was tired...no dice.

and like you said, twitchy, muscles firing, etc. Sometimes when I had a bad game, I caught myself replaying the strikeout or error... but then when I had a good game, my brain was replaying the great catch or big hit (for me). I think I am just a twitchy b-tard.

BUT...When I am laying in bed going 'I need to be asleep, I need to be asleep' I think the underlying fear is that I won't be worth a damn on the next work day...well...that's not true. On 3 hours of sleep I worked a full 9 hours the next day...so THAT little fib can get put to rest. Maybe we don't need as much sleep as we think? I am getting old, but 6 hours seems to be a full night and I have a pretty physical job.

I have always been high strung. I can only guess that the level of 'being there' and being excited is sort of like a drug for my over sensitive system... but I want to keep playing so I have been trying to UP my mid week workouts so the spike on game day isn't so extreme. I also have some sleep aid crap that I don't like taking because of needing to be on deck for work the next day...and usually by the time I think to take it, it's too late anyways.

This is a good topic. I'd like to hear more of your experience with it.