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TMS AND AVOIDING "REAL" LIFE (and a bad relationship)
I had lost all my friendships and basically all my goals and life enjoyment due to tms
Although tms wasn't trying to get me to give up, it was trying to get me to get back to living life ya know

I was in terrible body pain and I didn't want anyone seeing me the way I was
Heck I was always the jock, the guy that always had things under control and now I was
stuck in bed with extreme pain, barley able to roll over in bed.

So I started to understand that I had to get back into a relationship with life
I started making it a habit to focus on getting better instead of thinking I was going to be like this the rest of my life.

I read hope and inspiration thoughts and blogs every day as id awake
that would give me the power to visualize myself back living life and seeing myself as
an overcomer again. The Drs, said it would be of no use but I knew in my heart that
nothing can stop us from getting what we want in life, even disabilities and pain or fear.

I started the SEP and journaled a lot asking more questions than I can remember
I learned a lot of really good things that compelled me to keep moving forward
and in 5 months I was almost like new again with my hope and enthusiasm back.

See I visualized who I am now, I saw myself exercising and having fun, enjoyment
I felt the visualization emotionally as well in every fiber of my being
I used affirmations like im calm, relaxed, patient and confident

Then I started walking for like 2 minutes at a time till I could walk further
then I threw horse shoes with like a 15 foot throws and soon I was throwing them the correct length

The moral is I had to get started in my mind first. I had to see myself back on my feet and enjoying life in my mind
Then what I visualized and felt emotionally - well it came to pass.

There's a famous psychologist named Milton Erickson that was paralyzed for two years-
and he would imagine his body moving and doing all the things he always used to do for enjoyment.
Soon he was out of the body cast and he was moving as normal as anyone-
As normal as hed visualized it to be. Your mind has powerful effects on your body and well being as you already know.

So remember everything we do or think or feel emotionally is an affirmation to our subconscious that thats what we want in life.
Send out signals to your body through your mind of your visualizations seeing yourself fully cured and happy.
Make this so real that you feel it to be real right now, not some day - right now ok.
Then you will begin to change the way your minds signals are being interpreted effecting a cure-
through the power of your thoughts, think the way you want to be.
After 21 days or so this thinking will become habit and when you start to see it and feel it as its true
even though its not yet, it wont be long and you will be seeing life totally free
Bless you