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Hi, new to TMS
Welcome @KimberlyQ (and your little friend, too - I probably have a version of that same picture with the same cat tree containing two different cats over many years).

CSA is a significant predictor of what we call TMS, as you suspected and are now having confirmed. If you've never heard of the assessment for Adverse Childhood Experiences (the ACEs quiz) it's a valuable and easy-to-access resource which I would recommend because it can offer you an informed framework as you dive into this work. Here's my favorite place for an easy way to answer the ten yes/no questions, plus a concise explanation of what it is and how to interpret (or not) the results:
Take The ACE Quiz — And Learn What It Does And Doesn't Mean : Shots - Health News : NPR

As soon as you've read and absorbed The MindBody Prescription (my Sarno book was The Divided Mind) go ahead and check out the Structured Educational Program on our main tmswiki.org website. It's free, no registration or signup needed - you're on your own to just do it. You could actually read Day 1 right now and watch the video, which is a profile of Dr. Sarno and his work on what is now an old segment of 20/20(ABC).

A great place to browse while you're waiting for the book to arrive, or for a quick read on on your phone, is the Success Stories subforum. The stories are inspiring. The ensuing discussions can sometimes be very illuminating and helpful as well.

I just watched two videos which I also think will be extremely valuable to beginners, but ONLY after reading one of the books! This is because these videos are interviews with TMS professionals who worked closely with Dr. Sarno when they were still students in their respective professions (MD and LCSW). The interviews offer a fascinating look at Dr. Sarno from those days, but they also cover a lot of different aspects of successfully applying his theories today, and you absolutely MUST be grounded with one of his books, otherwise you will be completely lost. Here's the forum thread with links to both:
David Schechter's new book on Dr John E. Sarno MD | TMS Forum (The Mindbody Syndrome) (tmswiki.org)
So that you don't lose track of the thread, you can bookmark this post by clicking the word "Bookmark" below - it will be stored on your profile page under - you guessed it - "Bookmarks".

All the best - keep posting and keep us posted!
