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A TMJ Flare on top of pelvic pain issues.
Hello angel,

I've had loads of fun with tmj and dentists due to undiagnosed atypical trigeminal neuralgia. I know well enough how disturbing such pain can be. It is very hard to cope with facial pain as it is so immediate and intimate in its own way. During those years I explored many things, one of which was the connection between hip and jaw.

Here is an article that summarises this connection:

http://littlewhitelotusblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/the-link-between-hips-and-jaw.html?m=1 (Little White Lotus: The Link Between the Hips and Jaw)

I practice yin yoga and it really helps soothe pain and emotions. Here is a link to a yoga teacher whom I follow:

Yin Yoga Classes - All levels: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0v0k7UCVrmK5WvoJMCAof0LJxuQXqxk (Yin Yoga Classes - All levels - YouTube)

I'm enrolled on this course at Udemy:

https://www.udemy.com/yin-yoga-to-heal-restore/ (Yin Yoga to Heal & Restore - Udemy)

The jaw/hip connection is also well known in midwifery courtesy of Ina May Gaskin. Her work is fascinating.

I offer these insights for your contemplation with an assurance that it is a body~mind aspect that has served me well. It is interesting to note how tension moves, and where it moves to.

I have never fared well with ice packs. Resting the side of my face on a hot water bottle is infinitely more soothing. Aside from this, I've found any ache from dental intervention has passed with time. If you can relax into knowing it is just tms and loosen any anxiety surrounding it you should find it easier to deal with this.

Sending you healing thoughts.

Plum xxx