1. Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host. Click here for more info or just look for the red flag on the menu bar at 3pm Eastern.
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  2. Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/
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tms coupled with other therapy modalities?
This is from one of Monte's updates, in answer to the above question.

If I believe the TMS diagnosis and I am still in pain, does this mean I have deeply repressed emotions that are causing my chronic symptoms?

Absolutely not! This is one of the biggest un-truths of the TMS diagnosis and treatment programs being distributed by the TMS community. And one that I will continue to rage against until the TMS community (Dr./counselor/psychologist) wakes up and begins to address the real cause. The continued emphasis on deeply repressed emotions by the TMS community demonstrates both ignorance and a lack of credibility in actual experience of living with TMS or in working with people who are experienced in living with TMS.


Are repressed emotions part of the TMS syndrome?

Yes, of course, repressed emotional energy is one of the main ingredients causing inner tension in TMS! However, there are two big, huge factors that must be understood.

1. It is our day-to-day patterns of behavior and thought that are generating Inner Tension and

2. It is our day-to-day patterns of behavior and thought that are repressing our emotions (emotional energy).

This is day-to-day, moment-to-moment repression of day-to-day, moment-to-moment feelings/emotions and not this big huge and in many cases fictitious deeply repressed emotions from your childhood. What makes this day-to-day repression such a big, huge contributor of the inner tension in TMS is that it is Chronic. A TMS person has been chronically generating inner tension and chronically repressing emotional energy for 10-20-30-40 years. When you start changing or affecting how you are generating inner tension and repressing emotions right now, in the present, you can begin to reverse this cause/effect - mind/body syndrome right now, in the present.