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What to Tell Your Subconscious Mind


(This exercise becomes twice as powerful if you use the tapping motions
as defined by the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). They are very easy
and you can learn how to apply them by watching any number of YouTube
videos. You can also make this more effective by pushing your stomach
outward as far as it will go while you are breathing. You can adapt the
following to your own particular needs. Hopefully you will find this as
effective as I do.)

Tell the following -- silently or aloud -- to your subconscious:

"I am grateful for everything I have, including you, subconscious mind,
for your efforts to protect me from my inner rage and emotional issues.
I understand completely that you are attempting to distract me with pain
and other physical symptoms. I appreciate how you are trying to help me
avoid both the known and unknown issues I must deal with.

"But by the same token, I must confront my emotions head-on and accept
my humanness, my mistakes, and my weaknesses -- knowing full well that
while I strive for perfection and am a do-gooder, I know I am far from
perfect and that I will never satisfy everyone, nor should I want to.

"So stop it. Stop it right now. You have no power over me and you are
NOT allowed to manipulate my mind for any reason. Stop trying to
protect me from myself. Stop generating my pain and anxieties to
distract me from my stresses. I want to deal with the things that are
stressing me by putting them out in the open. I need you to present
those to me so I can take action and put them in context and let God
deal with them for me."

"Understand this: Despite what you think, I am NOT perfect and I accept
my myself for what I am. I am not afraid of understanding my stresses
and anxieties and they don't have to be covered up.

"Stop thinking you know what is best for me. You cannot, and you will
not, think that my pain and anxieties are more easily tolerated when
compared to the emotional issues I will vanquish. You do not control me
and you are not allowed to stop the flow of oxygen anywhere in my body
-- especially, my head, neck and back. You are ordered to begin the
flow of oxygen at full capacity everywhere in my body, starting right

"You are ordered to restore my health immediately and to cleanse me of
any remaining doubt I have about your resistance to me. You are ordered
to submit to me and to follow my orders explicitly. I know you don't
like to function in the world of reality, but the times have changed,
and I am ordering you to comply with my every wish. There is no
negotiation, there is no bargaining, there is no way out for you -- you
will never escape my control over you."

"Understand that my conscious mind will always control you and that you
will comply completely with my conscious judgements. You do not get to
choose what you think is best for me. That decision is not made by you,
but by my conscious mind which has dominion over you."

"You are my subconscious -- your job is not to provide conflict, pain or
anxiety, because you think you know better than my conscious mind. Your
job is the opposite. Your job is to allow me to deal with my stresses
with a mental approach of confidence, optimism and health, knowing full
well that it is better for me to confront my stresses head-on, rather
than repress them into the lingering and unknown parts you always hide
from me. You are no longer going to think that by hiding these emotions
that they are going to eventually go away. You are no longer going to protect
me from myself and my issues.

"Your job is to provide me peace and comfort so I can deal with my
stresses directly."

You may find this painful yourself, but I am now entering your doorway
in my mind -- the doorway labeled "Subconscious Mind."

I am now inside you and I am looking at all your separate generators
that you have lined up and down your aisles. There is work to be done
here, and I will do it myself.

For starters, I am walking over to the TMS Belief generator and pushing
the lever from the red off position to the green on position. I am a

Now I am walking over to the anxiety generator and pushing the lever
from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the dizziness generator and pushing the lever
from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the muscle ache generator and pushing the lever
from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the blurred vision generator and pushing the
lever from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the muscle tension headache generator and
pushing the lever from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the disruptive generator and pushing the lever
from on to off.

Now I am walking over to the doubt generator and pushing the lever from
on to off.

Now I'm headed over to the other side of the room.

Now I am walking over to the comfort generator and pushing the lever
from off to on.

Now I am walking over to the social fun and conversational generator and
pushing the lever from off to on.

Now I am walking over to the healthy generator and pushing the lever
from off to on.

Now I am walking over to the prosperous generator and pushing the lever
from off to on.

Now I am walking over to the grateful generator and pushing the lever
from off to on.

Now I am walking over to the confidence generator and pushing the lever
from off to on.

"OK, we're done here. I am leaving you now and walking out the door.
When I shut the door I am pushing the Save button on the door so all the
adjustments I have made will be saved and you cannot undo it later. I
know this may not be what you want, but that is the way it is and the
way it is going to be, so get used to it. You will find we are much
better off, now and in the future. Now follow your instructions and do
the job you were meant to do."