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Learned pathways and neuroplasticity is a medical dead end.
Here are a few words from Monte Hueftle that may help lend some insight into how this conditioning occurs in our everyday lives.

(Taken from this page:

http://www.runningpain.com/important_tms_updates (The TMS Master Practice Program - The New-Sarno TMS Program - Important TMS Updates))

"Are repressed emotions part of the TMS syndrome?

Yes, of course, repressed emotional energy is one of the main ingredients causing inner tension in TMS! However, there are two big, huge factors that must be understood.

1. It is our day-to-day patterns of behavior and thought that are generating Inner Tension and

2. It is our day-to-day patterns of behavior and thought that are repressing our emotions (emotional energy).

This is day-to-day, moment-to-moment repression of day-to-day, moment-to-moment feelings/emotions and not this big huge and in many cases fictitious deeply repressed emotions from your childhood. What makes this day-to-day repression such a big, huge contributor of the inner tension in TMS is that it is Chronic. A TMS person has been chronically generating inner tension and chronically repressing emotional energy for 10-20-30-40 years. When you start changing or affecting how you are generating inner tension and repressing emotions right now, in the present, you can begin to reverse this cause/effect - mind/body syndrome right now, in the present.

TMS is a day-to-day, moment-to-moment chronic mind body syndrome with a strategy attached to it. The key to reversing TMS and living with TMS is understanding that the most important element is becoming aware of and affecting change in "how am I being right now".

--How you are being right now means you are either being distracted and "feeding" the strategy or you or genuinely thinking psychological.

--How you are being right now means you are generating a quality of energy that is communicating tons of tension/stress/pressure or you are generating a quality o energy that is being more open/flexible/balanced/aligned/allowing a little more often.

--How your are being right now means you are repressing emotional energy or you are being more open/allowing and experiencing your emotional energy more often.

--How you are being right now means you are in the future or past (unaware of the quality of energy you are generating and unaware that you are repressing emotional energy) or you are becoming more present-moment based where you are able to deliberately affect the quality of energy that you generate and you can intentionally choose to allow yourself to experience emotions instead of deny or avoid them. This is why the statement - Your healing practices are more effective and greatly enhanced in present time."