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Anger - what "to do" about it
Yes, conscious anger does NOT cause TMS.

You also don't have to find the why and who of anger. Understand that it exists. Dr. Sarno said that they found it "utterly fruitless" to try to express the rage away, although "everyone invariably asked how to do it."

You're over thinking it which is what your deeper brain wants from you. Don't give it more worry and attention. Come to awareness that you indeed hold anger due to your personality. It is present in you, and mostly unfelt. This is the beginning of healing. From there change is inevitable.

You can't heal if you can't change You can't change if you don't know that you need to. You don't know that you need to change unless you realize something is wrong. You don't know something is wrong until your body tells you. The chain reaction of errors begins to resolve through recognition. Healing comes from release. The release takes belief, courage, and a willingness to let go. Those that refuse to let go make it more complex, but they have a deeper need for their pain.

It's never about healing the body, never.