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Dec 28, 2015
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August 22
Boston, MA
HVAC Estimator

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Peer Supporter, Male, from Boston, MA

Looking for help. Currently reading low back pain. Dec 28, 2015

brendan537 was last seen:
Jun 11, 2019
  • My Story

    My name is Brendan F. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. I was a union laborer until I got hit and crushed with a forklift in 2013 at the age of 19, that day has changed my life. I can no longer hold a job, work out, hold a relationship ( because I'm so miserable), I feel my life has been taken from me due to my low back pain. I played hockey and worked out my whole life now i'm totally limited to what I can do. After my accident doctors could see no noticable injuries which made me think where is my pain coming from then? This injury led to injections ( 15 ), manipulation (20), massages (20), nerve burning (1) and I still have no relief. I eventually got addicted to the painkillers I was prescribed and it led me down a dark road of addiction and today I have 1 1/2 years sober. This injury nearly costed me my life due to my drug use. I have lost my career, my girlfriend, and I cannot work due to my pain. I have become so depressed to the point where I ask myself " do I even want to live anymore If my life is going to be like this"... the reason I am on this post is my uncle recommended me this book as it cured him from pain, I am currently half way through and still in pain......
    1. MWsunin12
      Hey Brendan, I don't know if you still visit this site, but I think of you and your story. I wanted you to know that there's a 60 year old woman out here, me, who hopes that every day of your life gets better and easier. You are very young. Please don't give up on yourself. I know you had a rough beginning. Just wanted to let you know that somebody is rooting for you.
      1. giantsfan
        Yo Brendino! Where ya at?
        Feb 2, 2018
    2. Marytabby
      Beendan I texted you a few days ago.
      1. brendan537
        Really? I must not have got it would u mind texting me again I have the same number
        Oct 10, 2016
    3. Marytabby
      How are you doing, Brendan?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Marytabby
        Rough summer but better now.
        Oct 4, 2016
      3. brendan537
        text me
        Oct 4, 2016
      4. brendan537
        same here
        Oct 4, 2016
    4. kld03c
      Brendan, hang in there. I had crippling back pain that ended my career in the Army reserves. I read Sarnos books but needed extra help from a therapist. My life has drastically improved so know it is possible.
    5. Maribel
      When I crawled out of benzodizapine addiction I realized that there was nobody for me! I had been pretending my whole life that I had a happy healthy familly relationship!!! What is worse I choose a husband that is just like my parents!!!
      1. brendan537
        I experienced the same thing I am so sorry to hear about your past
        Aug 11, 2016
        Maribel likes this.
    6. Maribel
      What is your family history? Where they there for you to support your recovery?
      Did they teach you how to bring joy in your life - singing, dancing, prayer, nature, friends, art.... or did you have to face the accident all on your own?
      1. brendan537
        No one was there for me for my forklift accident as well as my addiction. I was addicted from 15-20 with about 7 rehabs between that time. Ontop of my mother dying of cancer and a life time of beatings from my dad.
        Aug 11, 2016
        Maribel likes this.
    7. Lady Phoenix
      Lady Phoenix
    8. Lady Phoenix
      Lady Phoenix
      Hi Brendan! I know the feeling although I don't mention it often. Life can become very difficult! Reading the book is a great start. I underlined all the parts I thought were most important and the things I wanted to remember. The SEP (Structured Educational Program) is probably the best way to go because I didn't know about it and I had to figure out my next steps on my own.
    9. giantsfan
      I'm sorry to hear about your past, I can relate to quite a few of those. Just curious, you've done the SEP, right? You got one heck of an uncle btw. :)
      1. brendan537
        I have not done the SEP. Have you? how is your pain? I only stated my story so I could see if others could relate.
        Feb 22, 2016
      2. giantsfan
        I'll sent you a message. Can only post 140 characters on these status comments. I think.
        Feb 22, 2016
    10. brendan537
      Looking for help. Currently reading low back pain.
      1. Forest likes this.
      2. Forest
        Welcome to the site! It looks like you have already posted in the support subforum, so you are already well on your way.
        Dec 28, 2015
      3. Maribel
        Boy, did you have a lot of suffering in your life!!!
        Aug 11, 2016
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  • My Story

    August 22
    Boston, MA
    HVAC Estimator
    My name is Brendan F. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. I was a union laborer until I got hit and crushed with a forklift in 2013 at the age of 19, that day has changed my life. I can no longer hold a job, work out, hold a relationship ( because I'm so miserable), I feel my life has been taken from me due to my low back pain. I played hockey and worked out my whole life now i'm totally limited to what I can do. After my accident doctors could see no noticable injuries which made me think where is my pain coming from then? This injury led to injections ( 15 ), manipulation (20), massages (20), nerve burning (1) and I still have no relief. I eventually got addicted to the painkillers I was prescribed and it led me down a dark road of addiction and today I have 1 1/2 years sober. This injury nearly costed me my life due to my drug use. I have lost my career, my girlfriend, and I cannot work due to my pain. I have become so depressed to the point where I ask myself " do I even want to live anymore If my life is going to be like this"... the reason I am on this post is my uncle recommended me this book as it cured him from pain, I am currently half way through and still in pain......