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Jul 5, 2014
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July 14
College Academic Advisor

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New Member, Female, from USA

Carmela was last seen:
Jan 4, 2022
  • My Story

    I read Dr. Sarno's book many years ago. I had a back injury at that time. I was in a half body cast while I was being treated for breast cancer. After my treatments were completed, I was told I needed to have, what amounted to cement, injected into my spine to relieve my pain. I also have osteoporosis.

    After reading Dr. Sarno's book I decided that I was not going through with the surgery. It took quite a bit of time and determination, in addition to writing out affirmations.

    Eventually, I recovered from breast cancer and back pain. I still have pain, sometimes, but now the "symptom imperative" has changed to migraine headaches ( have had them all my life), IBS, and anxiety.

    I am on this forum for support and maybe a few insights I have not been able to find myself.

    I thank God for my healings and for the grace to continue to heal! wavea
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  • My Story

    July 14
    College Academic Advisor
    I read Dr. Sarno's book many years ago. I had a back injury at that time. I was in a half body cast while I was being treated for breast cancer. After my treatments were completed, I was told I needed to have, what amounted to cement, injected into my spine to relieve my pain. I also have osteoporosis.

    After reading Dr. Sarno's book I decided that I was not going through with the surgery. It took quite a bit of time and determination, in addition to writing out affirmations.

    Eventually, I recovered from breast cancer and back pain. I still have pain, sometimes, but now the "symptom imperative" has changed to migraine headaches ( have had them all my life), IBS, and anxiety.

    I am on this forum for support and maybe a few insights I have not been able to find myself.

    I thank God for my healings and for the grace to continue to heal! wavea

