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Last Activity:
Sep 19, 2017
Jun 13, 2017
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New York
Professional Speaker

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Newcomer, Female, from New York

CelesteDeCamps was last seen:
Sep 19, 2017
  • My Story

    My journey into understanding the mind body connection started when my mother was diagnosed for the second time with colon cancer. The doctor from Sloan Kettering told me that the medical community believes that stress causes cancer. That was the first time I had heard that. I started reading and researching everything I could to understand this concept. My mother passed away, but I am staying on this path to continue learning.

    I read a couple of Dr. Sarno's books and realized that my back, knee and shoulder pain came from the stress and anxiety from my sales job. It lined up with all of the other research I had been doing. Understanding why I was feeling so bad, helped me take a hard look at the life I was leading. I made many changes and found that making myself a priority was not a selfish thing to do, but a necessity.
    1. There are no messages on CelesteDeCamps's profile yet.
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    New York
    Professional Speaker
    My journey into understanding the mind body connection started when my mother was diagnosed for the second time with colon cancer. The doctor from Sloan Kettering told me that the medical community believes that stress causes cancer. That was the first time I had heard that. I started reading and researching everything I could to understand this concept. My mother passed away, but I am staying on this path to continue learning.

    I read a couple of Dr. Sarno's books and realized that my back, knee and shoulder pain came from the stress and anxiety from my sales job. It lined up with all of the other research I had been doing. Understanding why I was feeling so bad, helped me take a hard look at the life I was leading. I made many changes and found that making myself a priority was not a selfish thing to do, but a necessity.