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New Member, Female

Denise84 was last seen:
Sep 19, 2017
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    1. uccello1983

      I am doing so so; I did 12 days of the SEP but my TMS therapist and Schechter both said I should stop that and only do soothing things. Some of my symptoms have gotten worse so not sure if it's bad or good. I am glad you are better. I hope I'll get there soon.
    2. uccello1983
      Hi Denise,

      I saw Dr. Schecter today and he said I have TMS which I knew I had but had few doubts about structural things too. He looked at my reports but didn't look at the MRI imaging that I had brought on a disk. I am on Day 4 of the SEP and have read Sarno's books too. How are you doing since meeting Dr. Schechter? Are you feeling better? I am hopeful.
      1. Denise84 likes this.
      2. Denise84
        Hi uccello1983, sorry for my delayed response! Yes, I would say I'm about 50% better. I've recently realized that I've been slacking on my journaling and doing the emotional work, and have been stuck at a bit of a plateau likely for that reason.
        Apr 26, 2017
      3. Denise84
        I'm going to immerse myself again in the TMS literature as I know it's very helpful. I'm exercising almost daily but am still staying away from certain exercises until I'm farther along in my healing. How are you doing?
        Apr 26, 2017
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