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Jul 26, 2024 at 11:01 PM
Feb 22, 2024
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East Coast, USA

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Well known member, Female, from East Coast, USA

When I post on this forum it is nailing down my truths. It is opening the doors in my mind. I’m changing. Thank you for listening! Jul 24, 2024 at 5:07 PM

Diana-M was last seen:
Jul 26, 2024 at 11:01 PM
  • My Story

    February 2024

    I have been fighting TMS on and off for 30 years. I have had insomnia, depression, IBS, foot pain, back pain, neck pain, severe panic attacks, leg numbness, neuropathy, burning legs, plantar fasciitis, leg weakness, allergies, asthma, persistent cough, numb and tingling hands, hands curling up (won’t open all the way, no gripping power), painful leg and stomach contractions, dizziness, electrical “buzzing” inside, sensitivities to things touching me, very cold feet, night terrors and balance issues. My body completely locks up when I try to live- do things, visit people, go places…anything.

    In 2017, I discovered Dr. Sarno and immediately embraced TMS. I studied it day and night and started journaling about my emotions and got rid of tingling hands at the time. During my other episodes, I just somehow ignored it, and it went away eventually or diminished enough to live with it. For the panic attacks, I meditated and learned about anxiety and it helped to control it. You can read more about these various TMS episodes I had and how I resolved some of them, here.

    Flash forward to 2020. During the pandemic, I was extremely terrified, and under a great deal of stress on many levels. I began getting many new symptoms— plantar, foot pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, stiff knees, cramping hands, a feeling like strong hands are gripping my knees, or my hips or my stomach. And I have balance problems. No matter how hard I tried reading Sarno and other books and journaling, I couldn’t put a dent in my symptoms. They just kept getting worse.

    So I took Sarno’s advice and got a psychotherapist. I’ve been seeing her for 3 years and we have been tackling my very abusive childhood. She isn’t trained in TMS, but she believes me that I have it. Meanwhile symptoms are still increasing. I recently had to go from a cane to a walker to get around. I am only 64. My hand numbness is starting to make working on my computer difficult.

    I have been reading more and more TMS books. Journaling. Doing EFT tapping. Took Alan Gordon’s Pain Recovery Class. Learning so much!

    —-Update—-April 24, 2024

    2 months in. I’m slowly doing the SEP on this wiki and learning things daily from all the great shares. It’s like TMS group therapy. I love it!

    Added Dan Buglio daily videos and the DARE app. Journaling, journaling, journaling!

    I’m becoming much more aware of triggers. More aware of my emotions in real time. Getting comfortable with discomfort as I try to do more and more while still having symptoms. Made the switch to thinking that life is fun. And starting to really have that come true! Gaining a little bit of physical strength.

    —Update May 31, 2024–

    Started PT and did exercises religiously. Gained more physical strength. Dropped PT (but not the exercises) because the technician was heavily pushing my seeing a neurologist. Upgraded journaling to 30-60 min. a day. At times, noticing tingling in my feet (a good sign). At other times, symptoms increased, but I really believe it’s because I’m digging so deep. Therapy has revealed some new insights.

    —Update July 11, 2024–
    Starting to see progress! All of this effort is coming together with a calmer mindset, dumping off rage through journaling and focusing on living a fun life. Staying positive. I don’t know how, but something is clicking. I’m getting it! Most symptoms are still there. But a lot of the intensity is coming down. I finally have hope. And that’s building on itself. My main method of curing is involvement in this wiki.
    1. Diana-M
      When I post on this forum it is nailing down my truths. It is opening the doors in my mind. I’m changing. Thank you for listening!
      1. BloodMoon likes this.
    2. Diana-M
      Today is the first day since I started in March that I can actually feel my body letting go of TMS. It’s very subtle. But it’s there!!!
      1. HealingMe, JanAtheCPA and BloodMoon like this.
      2. HealingMe
        Keep going!
        Jul 9, 2024
        Diana-M likes this.
    3. Diana-M
      Laughing at symptoms—literally ridiculing them is helping. Also saying over and over: I’m ok right now. I’m living now. Nothing is wrong.
      1. HealingMe likes this.
      2. HealingMe
        I do this too!
        Jul 9, 2024
    4. Diana-M
      Noticing that self pity and self absorption causes symptoms to flare. Not the other way around.
    5. Diana-M
      Today I “walked” 25 minutes around the living room and kitchen and it was fun and I was surprisingly strong doing it. :)
      1. HealingMe, Cactusflower and BloodMoon like this.
    6. Diana-M
      Kind of in a rut. Slowing things down if I can. I’m so obsessive. Agh!
      1. HealingMe likes this.
      2. HealingMe
        It's okay to slow down :)
        Jun 19, 2024
    7. Diana-M
      Had a great day today! Lounged around like a teen and played games on my phone and told myself life is awesome. Less pain!
      1. HealingMe and BloodMoon like this.
    8. Diana-M
      This wiki is my therapy. So incredibly helpful!
      1. BloodMoon likes this.
    9. Diana-M
      This is interesting! Woke up in really bad pain today. Played classic rock trivia with my husband for an hour. It subsided a lot. Ha!
    10. Diana-M
      Symptoms up today. Meditated for an hour. They subsided a bit. I’m starting to think journaling and meditation are key for me.
    11. Diana-M
      Filled with hope today!
      1. tag24 and BloodMoon like this.
    12. Diana-M
      Kinda blue today until I did my PT exercises. “No crying in baseball.”
    13. Diana-M
      Today gave myself a pedicure. I’m livin’!
    14. Diana-M
      Tonight I did some volunteer work and I totally completely forgot about TMS. That was a great feeling!
    15. Diana-M
      Got my hair done today! Walked the farthest I have walked in more than 6 months. My body tried to shut me down, but I laughed at it.
    16. Diana-M
      Finally got out of the house! No longer house bound! Getting out most days.
      1. HealingMe and BloodMoon like this.
    17. Diana-M
      Yesterday I pictured only fun plans in my head all day, and it was a great day!
    18. Diana-M
      New to the wiki, but not new to Dr. Sarno. Together we can make it.
      1. JanAtheCPA likes this.
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  • My Story

    East Coast, USA
    February 2024

    I have been fighting TMS on and off for 30 years. I have had insomnia, depression, IBS, foot pain, back pain, neck pain, severe panic attacks, leg numbness, neuropathy, burning legs, plantar fasciitis, leg weakness, allergies, asthma, persistent cough, numb and tingling hands, hands curling up (won’t open all the way, no gripping power), painful leg and stomach contractions, dizziness, electrical “buzzing” inside, sensitivities to things touching me, very cold feet, night terrors and balance issues. My body completely locks up when I try to live- do things, visit people, go places…anything.

    In 2017, I discovered Dr. Sarno and immediately embraced TMS. I studied it day and night and started journaling about my emotions and got rid of tingling hands at the time. During my other episodes, I just somehow ignored it, and it went away eventually or diminished enough to live with it. For the panic attacks, I meditated and learned about anxiety and it helped to control it. You can read more about these various TMS episodes I had and how I resolved some of them, here.

    Flash forward to 2020. During the pandemic, I was extremely terrified, and under a great deal of stress on many levels. I began getting many new symptoms— plantar, foot pain, tingling, numbness, weakness, stiff knees, cramping hands, a feeling like strong hands are gripping my knees, or my hips or my stomach. And I have balance problems. No matter how hard I tried reading Sarno and other books and journaling, I couldn’t put a dent in my symptoms. They just kept getting worse.

    So I took Sarno’s advice and got a psychotherapist. I’ve been seeing her for 3 years and we have been tackling my very abusive childhood. She isn’t trained in TMS, but she believes me that I have it. Meanwhile symptoms are still increasing. I recently had to go from a cane to a walker to get around. I am only 64. My hand numbness is starting to make working on my computer difficult.

    I have been reading more and more TMS books. Journaling. Doing EFT tapping. Took Alan Gordon’s Pain Recovery Class. Learning so much!

    —-Update—-April 24, 2024

    2 months in. I’m slowly doing the SEP on this wiki and learning things daily from all the great shares. It’s like TMS group therapy. I love it!

    Added Dan Buglio daily videos and the DARE app. Journaling, journaling, journaling!

    I’m becoming much more aware of triggers. More aware of my emotions in real time. Getting comfortable with discomfort as I try to do more and more while still having symptoms. Made the switch to thinking that life is fun. And starting to really have that come true! Gaining a little bit of physical strength.

    —Update May 31, 2024–

    Started PT and did exercises religiously. Gained more physical strength. Dropped PT (but not the exercises) because the technician was heavily pushing my seeing a neurologist. Upgraded journaling to 30-60 min. a day. At times, noticing tingling in my feet (a good sign). At other times, symptoms increased, but I really believe it’s because I’m digging so deep. Therapy has revealed some new insights.

    —Update July 11, 2024–
    Starting to see progress! All of this effort is coming together with a calmer mindset, dumping off rage through journaling and focusing on living a fun life. Staying positive. I don’t know how, but something is clicking. I’m getting it! Most symptoms are still there. But a lot of the intensity is coming down. I finally have hope. And that’s building on itself. My main method of curing is involvement in this wiki.
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