It's been a very long time since I've been on this site. I'm glad to be back on.
great! Crossing my fingers I can get my son and his fiancé to go.
Thank you for the book link. I look forward to reading it, very soon. Thank you for reaching out!
Thank you for your message regarding my success in ending my head pain. I am very new to this site as well as to understanding mind/body...
May 2017: I discovered that I can get rid of tension headaches in seconds. Once I know that it's my mind causing the pain, I tell myself...
Just got home from a great weekend in Asheville, NC with my daughter. We saw "All the Rage," Saturday and even though my daughter came along for...
anyone else heading to Asheville, NC to see "All the rage?"
I just purchased 2 tickets for the Asheville, NC location. Super excited to see this documentary, finally!
Thank you Bruce for your last message.
Hi Jan, Thanks so much for your message. I look forward to reading your story and I will make sure to add my success story when I catch up...
Thank you for your reply :-)
Thank you.
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