Our TMS drop-in chat is today (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM DST Eastern U.S. (New York). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support. Bonnard is today's host.Dismiss Notice
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Alan has completed the new Pain Recovery Program. To read or share it, use this updated link: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/painrecovery/Dismiss Notice
Forest's Bookmarks
Bookmark Note: Amazing
Ellen's post from thread: New Program Day 4: Breaking the Pain Cycle
Loading...I am one of those that has had difficulty with the concept that the fear of the pain is what is...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Jul 14, 2017 -
Bookmark Note: What it's like to watch All The Rage
Gigalos's post from thread: "All The Rage" premiers November in NYC
Loading...Tears came when his daughter and Mrs. Sarno state that people come up to him all the time and...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Nov 16, 2016 -
Bookmark Note: Plum's terrific post on how to look at the past
plum's post from thread: Guilt
Loading...If I may, I suspect you are getting confused between the actual rush and experience of an...
Forum: Support Subforum
Bookmark Date: Jun 5, 2016 -
Mala's post from thread: A TMS Blog
Loading...Just introducing a TMS/MBS Blog which some of u may or may not know about by Dianne Moore. She...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Sep 16, 2015 -
Bookmark Note: characteristics associated with cancer remission
mike2014's post from thread: Spontaneous remissions project
Loading...Hello, I've heard alot about the 'spontaneous remissions project' which consists of 3500...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Aug 19, 2015 -
Forest's post from thread: Official Thread Section 1 Introduction
Loading...I think that this TMS program is probably on a word by word basis the best content in this wiki....
Forum: Alan Gordon TMS Recovery Program
Bookmark Date: Aug 4, 2015 -
tattvamasi's post from thread: Why am I still in pain? Why doesn't it work?
Loading...There is a general misconception about TMS that is the reason why people are having trouble and...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Jun 24, 2015 -
interstellar's post from thread: To anybody looking for advice.
Loading...So I recently posted this as a response to a thread on the forum. But I wanted to share it with...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Apr 3, 2015 -
Bookmark Note: The two wolves and neuroscience
Forest's post from thread: Feeding the wolf vs. lancing the boil
Loading...I find a blog post that builds on the video in my last post. I think the way that it connects...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Mar 19, 2015 -
Bookmark Note: Feeding wolf vs. lancing boil
Forest's post from thread: Feeding the wolf vs. lancing the boil
Loading...Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you one of my absolute favorite stories about PPD/TMS that...
Forum: General Discussion Subforum
Bookmark Date: Mar 19, 2015