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Jul 21, 2024 at 11:58 AM
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Peer Supporter, Female, from Florida

I’ve lost sight of being gentle with myself. I’m committing to journaling daily again because it really helps me. Jul 21, 2024 at 10:22 AM

HealingMe was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024 at 11:58 AM
  • My Story

    I've dealt with a myriad of chronic symptoms, most notably: pelvic, abdominal, hip, glute, inner groin, and back pain. These symptoms began with lower back pain November 2023 and moved around to all of those different areas of the right side of my body. I attributed the start of my symptoms to an exercise injury, however, as I began the TMS work, today I truly believe the symptoms began during that period of time when I was putting an immense amount of stress on my self (perfectionist personality).

    In early February 2024 I discovered Dr. Sarno and MindBody Syndrome. I read The Divided Mind and the MindBody Prescription within a couple weeks. I began applying what I learned as I read both books. Then I discovered TMSWiki.org, read several success stories I related to (which are so eye opening and inspirational), and started the SEP program. Getting deeper into the work my TMJ and knee pain disappeared (although not something that bothered me before, they were just there). I found this exciting and it pushed me to continue with my other symptoms.

    Today, my symptoms have either disappeared completely or subsided. This will be a work in progress for me. I notice my symptoms creep up when my "bucket" is full. Things I keep in my trusty toolbox include journaling (I was never a journaling person, in fact I though it was kind of silly, but it's become a god-send), rewatching Dan Buglio's videos for reminders (I highly recommend his videos!!), and re-reading bookmarked threads here and Dr. Sarno's books!
    1. HealingMe
      I’ve lost sight of being gentle with myself. I’m committing to journaling daily again because it really helps me.
    2. HealingMe
      As time progresses, fear is a thing of the past. I’m proud of how far I’ve come.
      1. Diana-M and JanAtheCPA like this.
    3. HealingMe
      Someone here mentioned they keep a Post-It note on their bathroom mirror: "It's probably TMS". I'm borrowing this. I think it's genius.
    4. HealingMe
      I've been journaling the last couple of days. Feeling really good. I need to commit to a more regular schedule.
    5. HealingMe
      Recently began reading Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression by Dr. Howard Schubiner
      1. Cactusflower likes this.
    6. HealingMe
      Journaled today in quite a while, cried, felt all the emotions. Grateful for having a nutritious lunch and getting to exercise!
    7. HealingMe
      Have compassion for yourself.
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  • My Story

    I've dealt with a myriad of chronic symptoms, most notably: pelvic, abdominal, hip, glute, inner groin, and back pain. These symptoms began with lower back pain November 2023 and moved around to all of those different areas of the right side of my body. I attributed the start of my symptoms to an exercise injury, however, as I began the TMS work, today I truly believe the symptoms began during that period of time when I was putting an immense amount of stress on my self (perfectionist personality).

    In early February 2024 I discovered Dr. Sarno and MindBody Syndrome. I read The Divided Mind and the MindBody Prescription within a couple weeks. I began applying what I learned as I read both books. Then I discovered TMSWiki.org, read several success stories I related to (which are so eye opening and inspirational), and started the SEP program. Getting deeper into the work my TMJ and knee pain disappeared (although not something that bothered me before, they were just there). I found this exciting and it pushed me to continue with my other symptoms.

    Today, my symptoms have either disappeared completely or subsided. This will be a work in progress for me. I notice my symptoms creep up when my "bucket" is full. Things I keep in my trusty toolbox include journaling (I was never a journaling person, in fact I though it was kind of silly, but it's become a god-send), rewatching Dan Buglio's videos for reminders (I highly recommend his videos!!), and re-reading bookmarked threads here and Dr. Sarno's books!


    "Do not trust the way you see yourself when your mind is turbulent and remember that even pain is temporary. Honor your boundaries, treat yourself gently, let go of perfection, and feel your emotions without letting them control you. You have enough experience to face the storm and evolve from it and feel your emotions". young pueblo | resilience
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