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April 24
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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Peer Supporter, Male, from Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hiawatha922 was last seen:
Jan 24, 2024
  • My Story

    The symptoms that stands out the most from early childhood were related to environmental allergies. As a kid, I could rarely breath through my nose any time of the year. During allergy seasons, my eyes would get red and swollen, and I would sneeze a lot.

    Then, as a teenager, I developed something called eosinophilic esophagitis (EE)--a condition believed to be associated with allergies. With EE, food would often get stuck in my throat, an apparent allergic response. I had this condition all year round. EE wasn't actually diagnosed until about six years ago.

    As a teenager and into adulthood, I also experienced oral allergy syndrome. With oral allergy syndrome pollens cross react with certain foods leading to an adverse physical reaction (tingling of tongue and lips, some tightening of throat). Unlike EE, this would take place only at certain times of the year and it was always related to eating certain types of food (fresh fruits or vegetables).

    One symptom that became more acute in my 30s and 40s was dizziness. I often associated dizziness with allergies as well.

    About 8 years ago, I started to develop some neurological symptoms: left eye redness, left temple pain (that would extend down to my left jaw at times), left back tingling and ache, right leg weakness, right foot neuropathy, fatigue and muscle twitches in my legs.

    These neurological symptoms created significant alarm and prompted me to seek answers. At this point, I have seen numerous health care professionals: neurologists, integrative doctors, rheumatologists, allergists, chiropractors and naturopaths. I've tried homeopathy, nutrition counseling, acupuncture and psychological counseling. All tests have come back with no identifiable cause for any of my symptoms (other than allergies, for which I am currently receiving shots), including MRIs and nerve tests.

    The only thing that has improved is the EE symptoms. These symptoms vastly improved when I started a gluten and dairy free diet about three years ago.

    My emotional and psychological history include the fact that I grew up in an alcoholic household. My dad's alcoholism prompted significant fear in me and my siblings. There were rarely any physical incidents but his alcoholism created an atmosphere of ongoing tension. I also grew up with very low self-esteem, maybe as a result of my dad's alcoholism. I was very shy and totally uncomfortable with any type of attention (in school, for example).

    My mother clearly struggled with anxiety. She never talked about it very openly (which fits with the whole family dynamic) but I know she was taking medication for anxiety. She didn't work and she really didn't have many regular connections outside of the house.

    In addition, I am a gay man. I was closeted until the age of 35. This experience added to my tendency to compartmentalize parts of my life. I would refrain from naming my authentic experiences and emotions.

    It makes sense to me that TMS may be an integral component of my symptoms. Dr. Sarno's books have named my experiences like no other resource I've found--and, believe me, I've looked. My hope is to find relief through treating TMS.
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  • My Story

    April 24
    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    The symptoms that stands out the most from early childhood were related to environmental allergies. As a kid, I could rarely breath through my nose any time of the year. During allergy seasons, my eyes would get red and swollen, and I would sneeze a lot.

    Then, as a teenager, I developed something called eosinophilic esophagitis (EE)--a condition believed to be associated with allergies. With EE, food would often get stuck in my throat, an apparent allergic response. I had this condition all year round. EE wasn't actually diagnosed until about six years ago.

    As a teenager and into adulthood, I also experienced oral allergy syndrome. With oral allergy syndrome pollens cross react with certain foods leading to an adverse physical reaction (tingling of tongue and lips, some tightening of throat). Unlike EE, this would take place only at certain times of the year and it was always related to eating certain types of food (fresh fruits or vegetables).

    One symptom that became more acute in my 30s and 40s was dizziness. I often associated dizziness with allergies as well.

    About 8 years ago, I started to develop some neurological symptoms: left eye redness, left temple pain (that would extend down to my left jaw at times), left back tingling and ache, right leg weakness, right foot neuropathy, fatigue and muscle twitches in my legs.

    These neurological symptoms created significant alarm and prompted me to seek answers. At this point, I have seen numerous health care professionals: neurologists, integrative doctors, rheumatologists, allergists, chiropractors and naturopaths. I've tried homeopathy, nutrition counseling, acupuncture and psychological counseling. All tests have come back with no identifiable cause for any of my symptoms (other than allergies, for which I am currently receiving shots), including MRIs and nerve tests.

    The only thing that has improved is the EE symptoms. These symptoms vastly improved when I started a gluten and dairy free diet about three years ago.

    My emotional and psychological history include the fact that I grew up in an alcoholic household. My dad's alcoholism prompted significant fear in me and my siblings. There were rarely any physical incidents but his alcoholism created an atmosphere of ongoing tension. I also grew up with very low self-esteem, maybe as a result of my dad's alcoholism. I was very shy and totally uncomfortable with any type of attention (in school, for example).

    My mother clearly struggled with anxiety. She never talked about it very openly (which fits with the whole family dynamic) but I know she was taking medication for anxiety. She didn't work and she really didn't have many regular connections outside of the house.

    In addition, I am a gay man. I was closeted until the age of 35. This experience added to my tendency to compartmentalize parts of my life. I would refrain from naming my authentic experiences and emotions.

    It makes sense to me that TMS may be an integral component of my symptoms. Dr. Sarno's books have named my experiences like no other resource I've found--and, believe me, I've looked. My hope is to find relief through treating TMS.