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- Gender:
- Female
New Member, Female
- Lesa was last seen:
- Jun 13, 2012
My Story
Hi! New here. I have had back, sciatic and shoulder pain for over two years now. Every doctor I have seen has found absolutely nothing physical wrong with me that would cause this pain. I found this site after reading a Sarno book and looking for more info. I'm hoping the more info I can get on TMS the better I will feel because I believe it must be what is causing the pain. My personality fits a lot of the "traits" and beginning six years ago I lost my mom, dad, step-dad and three grandparents in a three year period. Definitely got some emotional things going on but working through them and trying to be positive. I look forward to reading the stories of others and educating myself so I can move forward and enjoy my family and life! - Loading...
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My Story
- Gender:
- Female
Hi! New here. I have had back, sciatic and shoulder pain for over two years now. Every doctor I have seen has found absolutely nothing physical wrong with me that would cause this pain. I found this site after reading a Sarno book and looking for more info. I'm hoping the more info I can get on TMS the better I will feel because I believe it must be what is causing the pain. My personality fits a lot of the "traits" and beginning six years ago I lost my mom, dad, step-dad and three grandparents in a three year period. Definitely got some emotional things going on but working through them and trying to be positive. I look forward to reading the stories of others and educating myself so I can move forward and enjoy my family and life!Interact