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Peer Supporter, from Louisiana

NolaGal was last seen:
Feb 20, 2017
  • My Story

    I first found Dr Sarno's work in 2012, and the "book cure" resolved about 85% of my pain almost immediately. I have worked sporadically over the last few years on journaling, especially during difficult times (like the death of my father last year).

    I still have some unresolved issues, which mainly manifest in muscle tightness on the right side of my body, so I'm coming back to this forum with the intention of working through more of the structured educational program, and because of all the wonderful support to be found here. :)
    1. There are no messages on NolaGal's profile yet.
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  • My Story

    I first found Dr Sarno's work in 2012, and the "book cure" resolved about 85% of my pain almost immediately. I have worked sporadically over the last few years on journaling, especially during difficult times (like the death of my father last year).

    I still have some unresolved issues, which mainly manifest in muscle tightness on the right side of my body, so I'm coming back to this forum with the intention of working through more of the structured educational program, and because of all the wonderful support to be found here. :)