Thank you. I didn’t mean to hijack this thread from OP at all. I just mean, to OP: I don’t think anyone has this pandemic all figured out. I...
Thanks so much for that.
I am in the same boat. Frontline worker here in NYC, seat of the worst COVID-19 the world has seen, at one time. I've lost friends and colleagues...
Hi everyone! You’re very welcome Kira and I extend to you all confidence that you will recover. Thanks for having me back all!
Hi Kira, Wow! It’s been a while since I checked in. My throat symptoms were transient. They went away soon after I posted. Occasionally do do...
In my experience, identifying with TMS as a condition is almost as damaging as identifying with "my sciatica" or "my herniated discs." There is...
I literally read this after a worry-filled night of insomnia, so this comes at a timely time. Do I do physical therapy for a potential shoulder...
Oh, the ironies of life! I don't exactly know where this fits in everything, so I decided to stick it in this thread. Not really a question and...
It's good to be back!
I try to look at each day with a genuine spirit of newness and hope. True "beginner's mind", in meditation parlance. I'm not always successful,...
It takes time and patience. I remember always getting caught up in the "calendar phenomenon" which always added an extra layer of frantic panic to...
Hi Elina! Definitely. I would say the key issues were learning how to take a reflective stance on myself and understand on a gut, visceral level...
Hi everyone! I just wanted to pop back in and re-introduce myself. I have been out of commission for a good while busy getting my life sorted and...
Hi Eric, First of all, welcome. I hope you'll find that the TMS/PPD Peer Network becomes your community as well as an online forum. It has for...
Separate names with a comma.