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Peer Supporter, Female

she333 was last seen:
May 21, 2021
  • My Story

    Symptoms started Dec 2014 right after procedures to remove retained placenta from a 15 week miscarriage. Follow up with Dr was poor and he did not address symptoms adequately. Started with pain and quickly progressed to uti symptoms pelvic muscle tightness. How my bladder would be damaged made no clinical sense. Medical treatments worsened symptoms. I wanted to just die as I couldn't imagine living this way. In researching pain management I came across Sarno. It's been a roller coaster ride through hell. I'm still going up and down, but significantly more functional. And on no pain medication or nerve blocking agents! (Not that I'm against those -they have their place for certain ). I can't let go of one blood thinner that's supposed to help the bladder, but that's okay with me. Still have lots of work to do and, praying, a great life to live.
    1. Usman1515
      Hi how do you respond urge to pee?
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  • My Story

    Interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor dysfunction
    Symptoms started Dec 2014 right after procedures to remove retained placenta from a 15 week miscarriage. Follow up with Dr was poor and he did not address symptoms adequately. Started with pain and quickly progressed to uti symptoms pelvic muscle tightness. How my bladder would be damaged made no clinical sense. Medical treatments worsened symptoms. I wanted to just die as I couldn't imagine living this way. In researching pain management I came across Sarno. It's been a roller coaster ride through hell. I'm still going up and down, but significantly more functional. And on no pain medication or nerve blocking agents! (Not that I'm against those -they have their place for certain ). I can't let go of one blood thinner that's supposed to help the bladder, but that's okay with me. Still have lots of work to do and, praying, a great life to live.
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