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Cincinnati, Ohio - The Queen City

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New Member, Female, from Cincinnati, Ohio - The Queen City

Hello, After 20 years of pain, I developed a method that cured me, based on Dr. Sarno's TMS discovery! Peace, Sherri May 17, 2015

sosparkly was last seen:
Mar 8, 2021
  • My Story

    My pain was a multi-headed hydra, with various types of pain popping up, and being replaced with new ones. There was an array of pains: a burning sensation, a stabbing pain, a spiky pain, a lightning bolt of pain, a tearing pain, a pulling pain, a twisting pain, uncomfortable heat, and the feeling of smoldering hot coals sitting just under the skin of my lower back. There were times when I was paralyzed with pain and could not get out of bed for weeks.

    This went on for two decades.

    My own search for relief from chronic back pain involved dozens of healthcare professionals, hundreds of lost hours of work and family life, and thousands of dollars in treatments and medications over decades, without even the smallest hint of how to resolve the pain. I thought how is it possible that all this time and money and these resources, tests, and treatments could lead to little or no tangible result?

    The beginning of my cure began with a story about back pain and tension on the radio one afternoon. The story described how tension could be the cause of chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. That news story made me think about my own tension and various pains. It set me off to research the connection between emotion, tension, and back-neck-shoulder pain. I knew tension was my problem, but didn’t how to resolve it.

    I discovered the work of Dr. John Sarno and his truly revolutionary thinking about the source of chronic pain. His concept of tension myositis syndrome completely made sense to me.

    After I understood that my body was creating this involuntary tension, I knew that I needed a method to change the tension condition. I developed a relaxation technique called Total Muscular Release (TMR), which included both physical and emotional relaxation exercises. I practiced Total Muscular Release as many times a day as possible. Within a couple of weeks my low-back pain was completely healed, and a few weeks after that my knee, and other pain was gone as well.

    I understood that there was no medical treatment, or external physical intervention that could have cure my back or knee pain. Some modalities did make me feel better for a period of time, but eventually they all failed to bring me lasting relief. I realized these therapies were doing only one thing for me - bringing blood flow and oxygen to my contracted muscles. As soon as the therapy ended, the muscles contracted once again and were again starved for oxygen, and needless to say the pain returned.

    We're in flight or fight all the time, but the question is - can we make the needed changes to calm that inappropriate survival response?

    My book ‘Back Story: Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain’ describes my method, and journey.

    I've written a follow-up book, Reckoning with Ourselves, that describes the evolution in my thinking on the issue of TMS.

    Reckoning with Ourselves: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding and Resolving Chronic Pain

    Sherri Obermark
    http://www.sherriobermark.com/ (sherriobermark.com)
    http://www.sherriobermark.com/blog (sherriobermark.com)
    1. sosparkly
      Hello, After 20 years of pain, I developed a method that cured me, based on Dr. Sarno's TMS discovery! Peace, Sherri
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    Cincinnati, Ohio - The Queen City
    Acute Back Pain
    Other chronic pain
    My pain was a multi-headed hydra, with various types of pain popping up, and being replaced with new ones. There was an array of pains: a burning sensation, a stabbing pain, a spiky pain, a lightning bolt of pain, a tearing pain, a pulling pain, a twisting pain, uncomfortable heat, and the feeling of smoldering hot coals sitting just under the skin of my lower back. There were times when I was paralyzed with pain and could not get out of bed for weeks.

    This went on for two decades.

    My own search for relief from chronic back pain involved dozens of healthcare professionals, hundreds of lost hours of work and family life, and thousands of dollars in treatments and medications over decades, without even the smallest hint of how to resolve the pain. I thought how is it possible that all this time and money and these resources, tests, and treatments could lead to little or no tangible result?

    The beginning of my cure began with a story about back pain and tension on the radio one afternoon. The story described how tension could be the cause of chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. That news story made me think about my own tension and various pains. It set me off to research the connection between emotion, tension, and back-neck-shoulder pain. I knew tension was my problem, but didn’t how to resolve it.

    I discovered the work of Dr. John Sarno and his truly revolutionary thinking about the source of chronic pain. His concept of tension myositis syndrome completely made sense to me.

    After I understood that my body was creating this involuntary tension, I knew that I needed a method to change the tension condition. I developed a relaxation technique called Total Muscular Release (TMR), which included both physical and emotional relaxation exercises. I practiced Total Muscular Release as many times a day as possible. Within a couple of weeks my low-back pain was completely healed, and a few weeks after that my knee, and other pain was gone as well.

    I understood that there was no medical treatment, or external physical intervention that could have cure my back or knee pain. Some modalities did make me feel better for a period of time, but eventually they all failed to bring me lasting relief. I realized these therapies were doing only one thing for me - bringing blood flow and oxygen to my contracted muscles. As soon as the therapy ended, the muscles contracted once again and were again starved for oxygen, and needless to say the pain returned.

    We're in flight or fight all the time, but the question is - can we make the needed changes to calm that inappropriate survival response?

    My book ‘Back Story: Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Pain’ describes my method, and journey.

    I've written a follow-up book, Reckoning with Ourselves, that describes the evolution in my thinking on the issue of TMS.

    Reckoning with Ourselves: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding and Resolving Chronic Pain

    Sherri Obermark
    http://www.sherriobermark.com/ (sherriobermark.com)
    http://www.sherriobermark.com/blog (sherriobermark.com)


    Sherri Obermark
    End your tension – End your pain!:)