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Last Activity:
Oct 4, 2023
Jul 16, 2017
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University teacher

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Well known member, Female, from Denmark

Time2be was last seen:
Oct 4, 2023
  • My Story

    I need support to stick to the principles of TMS/MBS! I read some of the success stories about pelvic pain/bladder pain and I also read some of the last posts. So encouraging and helpful! My problem is pelvic pain, to be more precise, bladder and urethra pain. Doctors told me for years that this is all stress related and psychosomatic in nature. Now I had a different diagnosis. I have an embedded bladder infection and most probably a mast cell activation disorder. The bladder infection is treated with antibiotics. The mast cell activation disorder, however, I think is a sort of TMS. It’s the way stress makes inflammation in the body.
    So, there is not contradiction for me between TMS and this diagnosis.

    I need support to stick to the TMS approach. I feel quite alone with this.
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  • My Story

    University teacher
    Chronic pelvic pain
    I need support to stick to the principles of TMS/MBS! I read some of the success stories about pelvic pain/bladder pain and I also read some of the last posts. So encouraging and helpful! My problem is pelvic pain, to be more precise, bladder and urethra pain. Doctors told me for years that this is all stress related and psychosomatic in nature. Now I had a different diagnosis. I have an embedded bladder infection and most probably a mast cell activation disorder. The bladder infection is treated with antibiotics. The mast cell activation disorder, however, I think is a sort of TMS. It’s the way stress makes inflammation in the body.
    So, there is not contradiction for me between TMS and this diagnosis.

    I need support to stick to the TMS approach. I feel quite alone with this.


    It’s a bumpy road, sometimes I am doing great, sometimes not so. But I don’t give up!