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Last Activity:
Jun 2, 2016
Apr 19, 2016
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Home Page:
Swapscott, MA
Medical Practice

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New Member, from Swapscott, MA

TrueHealingMD was last seen:
Jun 2, 2016
  • My Story

    TrueHealingMD is the practice account for Dr. Alexander Angelov. It is maintained by Linnea Whear, his director of operations.

    About Dr. Angelov:

    The desire to help sick people and guide them to a healthy life brought Alexander Angelov to one of the most prestigious Medical Schools in St. Petersburg, Russia. Practicing yoga from an early age helped him to look at life differently. Doctor Angelov graduated in 1980 and then worked as a surgeon – Urology Specialty Surgeon until 1989 – for almost 10 years, when he immigrated to USA. During all these years, he was searching for more tools to help patients. In 1993, he finished special courses of acupuncture and headed the first urological pain management clinic.

    Today, Dr. Angelov is taking the next step to the real Medicine of the Future. He is breaking away from dependency on Health Insurance companies, from the world of disease and negative energy and goes towards wellness and a health promoting lifestyle. Very soon, it will be mainstream medicine, where the real relationship between patients and doctors would come back to where they were some time ago – in good times.

    Your membership that will cover unlimited visits, time, educational seminars, and personal family workshops is so minimal, that skipping one cup of coffee a day from a local coffee shop will cover it.

    The realistic dream of Dr. Angelov is to get all of the patients on the path of wellness, happiness and joy of life. We stand between a choice to be a part of the current healthcare, where the bottom line and money are ruling the outcome or where health and wellness are in the family of patients and providers - a family, where everybody respects each other and is willing to help all who is in need, a family, where everybody cares for each other and happiness is the payback.

    Dr. Angelov chose the second way to live. How about you?
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  • My Story

    Home Page:
    Swapscott, MA
    Medical Practice
    TrueHealingMD is the practice account for Dr. Alexander Angelov. It is maintained by Linnea Whear, his director of operations.

    About Dr. Angelov:

    The desire to help sick people and guide them to a healthy life brought Alexander Angelov to one of the most prestigious Medical Schools in St. Petersburg, Russia. Practicing yoga from an early age helped him to look at life differently. Doctor Angelov graduated in 1980 and then worked as a surgeon – Urology Specialty Surgeon until 1989 – for almost 10 years, when he immigrated to USA. During all these years, he was searching for more tools to help patients. In 1993, he finished special courses of acupuncture and headed the first urological pain management clinic.

    Today, Dr. Angelov is taking the next step to the real Medicine of the Future. He is breaking away from dependency on Health Insurance companies, from the world of disease and negative energy and goes towards wellness and a health promoting lifestyle. Very soon, it will be mainstream medicine, where the real relationship between patients and doctors would come back to where they were some time ago – in good times.

    Your membership that will cover unlimited visits, time, educational seminars, and personal family workshops is so minimal, that skipping one cup of coffee a day from a local coffee shop will cover it.

    The realistic dream of Dr. Angelov is to get all of the patients on the path of wellness, happiness and joy of life. We stand between a choice to be a part of the current healthcare, where the bottom line and money are ruling the outcome or where health and wellness are in the family of patients and providers - a family, where everybody respects each other and is willing to help all who is in need, a family, where everybody cares for each other and happiness is the payback.

    Dr. Angelov chose the second way to live. How about you?


    TrueHealingMD is the practice account for Dr. Alexander Angelov. It is maintained by Linnea Whear, his director of operations.
    Learn more at www.truehealingmd.com.