Our TMS drop-in chat is tomorrow (Saturday) from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern (US Daylight Time). It's a great way to get quick and interactive peer support, with Bonnard as your host. Look for the red Chat flag on top of the menu bar!
still not fully healed and I finished the book first in Sept 2014. since then I have banished 7-8 years of constant pain and other symptoms around 85%! I went to many great doctors and believed them up until March 2014. what a waste of time!
I know how frustrated it makes us but I also feel blessed that there is a way out now. Can you believe that exactly a year ago I was changing home to live with my partner, I couldn't do anything that involved standing up and I often thought I would end up in a weelchair...? Dr Sarno is a genius, a precursor and a humble person, those three things usually go together...
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