I'm already getting a lot from a book that I recently bought called 'Make Every Move a Meditation: Mindful Movement for Mental Health, Well-Being,...
I was the OP for this thread: https://www.tmswiki.org/forum/threads/terrified-of-erythromelalgia-like-symptoms.27135/ (Terrified of...
I find myself wondering throughout this protocol: what about repressed positive emotions? At first glance, it may seem ridiculous. Who would...
If we feel tired, should we take naps or just continue the day?
Hello everyone, I read dr. Sarnos book 5 times but i still didn’t get if i should completely ignore physical symptoms and instead only think...
Hello! I ve found (alléluia!) this Book in french "le meilleur anti douleur c est votre cerveau" de Sarno. I want to be that it's "the mindbody...
I am going to try to word this the best as I can, to try to explain what I mean. Is TMS the same as physical symptoms caused by stress? I know...
Hello everyone, So, I have been having constant upper neck contractions and severe anxiety for many years now, which cause tension headaches and...
I've been recommending the 2021 book Chatter, by neuroscientist and researcher Ethan Kross. I came across this comprehensive interview on the...
So I've been journaling just now and had a relevation i wanted to jot down here, so i can easily find it again. I've read a lot of stories and...
So years ago I developed some pain in the elbow from tricep tendonitis. Long story short I became very scared and babying it for almost a year...
Hey guys so if you read my history you’ll know I posted asking about Morton’s neuroma. Didn’t find as much info as I wanted but did find some old...
I have been writing a bunch of posts the past few days. The weather here at our farm has been totally dismally snowy and frozen. I have found...
After reading Dr. John Sarno’s book, I was able to sit and walk again without pain. However, when I returned to activities such as running and...
This is so on point with our work....
U. S. Congressman Adam Smith (D Wa) has written a book revealing his journey with severe anxiety, chronic pain, and childhood adversity. Here's an...
Hi. I have questions about eyes sumptoms I cured/improved some TMS symptoms. But for about a year, I have a new symptom that fills me with doubts...
Many practitioners recommend deep journaling..... Many practitioners say don't dig into the past - not journaling of the past How do you know...
https://www.commonsense.news/p/hurts-so-good (Hurts So Good)
Our friends at TMSRoundTable are hosting a free screening of the film about Dr. Sarno and his method. I watched it three times, and still found...
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