Hi all, Let me reintroduce myself. I am a 35 years old female with an history of anxiety, various TMS (like chronic pain, "fibromyalgia",...
Hi, My story starts 10 years when I was 19 years old. I was a junior in college studying computer science. I just landed my first internship and...
Apologies for the explicit nature of this post. Last week I lifted a couch using poor form (bent over, lifted with my back) and felt a huge...
Hi all, Apologies in advance for the length. I have occasionally frequented this forum, particularly when I was at my worst. I don't know if this...
Hi I’ve had daily back pain for over 4 years. Got another MRI planned in January but the scan two years ago was clear, nothing to report. I am...
Hi all I’ve had chronic back pain for over 3 years. Over the last 6 - 8 weeks I’ve been in a really bad spell and I really can’t see any way of...
Noticed a compelling link in this story on ABC News today between back surgery, mass shooting and TMS. Sure there are comments a plenty out there...
I think I should re read sarnos book since I have been really tired mentally. Is feeling of burnout, tireness, mentally exhausted something...
Hi, Here is my success story: https://andreisandovici.wordpress.com/2021/09/16/the-path-of-healing/ (The Path of Healing) Hope it gonna help you!
I read the book already, but should I re read it to treat overthinking, mental health problems like constant fatigue
Hi all. I overcome debilitating back pain several years ago, but I want to post my experience in overcoming it so that I may help others...
Hi everyone, I am longtime lurker and now first time poster! I am here to share my recovery journey to offer hope, encouragement and assistance...
Yesterday afternoon my back pain came back after some physical activity. I went and completed the Day 13 activity and read the assigned article...
Hello all. I hope all is well. Today, I want to share my “success story” per the title of his post. Ironically, I’ve been healed now for about the...
--- Summary --- What's greater than the gift of health? I went from being a person who felt like there was something wrong with their body ......
I had a microdiscectomy/laminectomy(less invasive than a fusion-no hardware) of a herniated disc. It reherniated and It has basically made...
Hey guys, I made a video about my TMS Journey and the effectiveness of John Sarno's work. My symptoms were: -Plantar fasciitis -Back pain -Left...
Hi everyone, Four years ago, our community participated in a fundraiser to raise money for a groundbreaking study. It was important enough that,...
After many years of successfully dealing with TMS and almost completely eliminating chronic pain, I am struggling again and probably for very good...
In July of 2017, I woke up one Saturday morning, rolled over and my back completely seized up, paralyzing my legs and torso. On a pain scale of...
Separate names with a comma.