Hi everyone, I just started my journaling journey, however i have a question. I already read a few posts that some of us are prone to 'editing'...
I really liked this episode of Nichole Sachs’ podcast: S3 E100 “Sending a Message of Safety to the Nervous System.” I Highly recommend it! Here...
As I read my journal entries now I see a lot of common themes in what I am feeling. While writing over the last week especially I can see how...
I’m a seasoned TMS warrior. I’ve been through years of therapy. I thought I knew everything … until…. I came to this forum and I was directed to...
Figuring out that self-consciousness and embarrassment are a big aspect of my TMS. I’m embarrassed to let my grown kids see how weak I am (can’t...
Hi! I’m a big fan of journaling. I’m literally learning more about myself from journaling than I ever thought possible. Anyway, a technique I...
Hi I recently read The Mind Body Prescription because I have some form of TMS I believe I started applying some principles and I read every day...
When I journal. I pay attention to my body. It has taught me that I have these anger “tells.” I had no idea they were my body’s way of talking....
What do people try after TMS methods? I’ve been trying TMS stuff for over 3 years and have had no results. Very depressing when I see all the...
So, I’ve been journaling up a storm, and uncovering some surprise layers of rage and even sorrow. Meanwhile, my symptoms are spiking like crazy....
Long story short- I have massive TMS. And it’s been really bad the past 3 years. I tried everything I could think of. Then came to the wiki 3...
This is a song by singer songwriter, Tracy Chapman from the 1990s. I used to love it and I only recently thought of it again. I think all my...
A great surprise happened for me today! One of my worst triggers is when I spend time with my adult kids. Today was Mother’s Day and 2 of my kids...
I joined this wiki 3 months ago, and I’ve had TMS for years. Some of my TMS episodes I have fought off. Right now I am in a stubborn episode with...
Hi everyone, I guess what is “normal,” when it comes to TMS? At any rate, as you know, I had a big week last week, fighting through my...
Please ignore this post if you regularly keep a journal and feel free and liberal to write whatever thoughts and things that you are totally...
Nicole Sachs is a national treasure for TMS knowledge, people - I don't mind saying so. I don't listen every week, but I should, because I'm...
翻译一篇关于通过写心情日记来梳理情绪的文章。 英文原文在这里: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?) 如何写心情日记? ------------------------ 在 TMS...
Here’s a talk about journalling and chronic pain, particularly Rheumatoid Arthritis: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001k0wg (Just One Thing -...
I urge you (Yes, you, reading this now) to listen to Nicole Sach's most recent podcast (S3, E19), titled Am I "Journaling My Way Into Depression?"...
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