翻译一篇关于通过写心情日记来梳理情绪的文章。 英文原文在这里: https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?) 如何写心情日记? ------------------------ 在 TMS...
Here’s a talk about journalling and chronic pain, particularly Rheumatoid Arthritis: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001k0wg (Just One Thing -...
I urge you (Yes, you, reading this now) to listen to Nicole Sach's most recent podcast (S3, E19), titled Am I "Journaling My Way Into Depression?"...
In July of 2017, I woke up one Saturday morning, rolled over and my back completely seized up, paralyzing my legs and torso. On a pain scale of...
Hi I’ve had daily back pain for over 4 years. Got another MRI planned in January but the scan two years ago was clear, nothing to report. I am...
Let’s talk about another important concept. I like to call this one the difference between Self Care and Post Care. Both are important. One is...
Hello everyone, I have already posted my stories of pain everywhere and tendinitis as soon as I heal a few things something else happens within...
Awesome resource, right here on our very own wiki! https://www.tmswiki.org/ppd/How_do_I_journal%3F (How do I journal?)
You’ve done everything right. You’ve made your lists of past stressors, current stressors and tms personality traits. You’ve done expressive...
One question that I get often is, “Am I journaling correctly?” Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: I completely understand the question and the...
Hi, new to TMS and it makes 100% sense. I fit the profile of always feeling like I have to be perfect, be the best, keep everyone else happy, be...
Hy somatic therapy is done to teach your brain be fearless for pain but many person tell us when we give attention to pain it automatic activate...
Hello all. Curious if anyone here has incorporated gratitude in their emotional health regimen. A lot of the journaling (SEP, etc.) that helped me...
Guys I've been journaling a bit and it's not helping, it's just making me more angry. Am I doing it wrong? For example, I'll be feeling ok, then...
No matter where you are in the journaling process, beginner or seasoned vet, you’re going to find it helpful to look for patterns. Patterns might...
For many years, I lived my life by a few deeply personal mottos, sometimes lighthearted, but always meaningful little sayings that applied to me...
You’ve read the books and heard it said that “everyone heals differently.” Still, as you start on your own path toward healing, you can’t help...
Hi all, I shared this on some of the Facebook groups but wanted to post here too. This is a great resource for those of you who may never have...
So you completely (or mostly) believe that your symptoms are due to TMS or mind/body syndrome, and you're doing the work of looking at your...
Has anyone else with brain fog found journaling difficult? Any advice you can give me? "Just write what comes to mind" they say. I have brain...
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