No matter where you are in the journaling process, beginner or seasoned vet, you’re going to find it helpful to look for patterns. Patterns might...
Hello! I am at the 2 round of the program, the first time I decided to quit after a couple of weeks because I felt better. Mistake! Now, with my...
I've been coming to terms with the fact that I have been holding in a LOT of sadness. But when I try to open myself up to feeling this sadness,...
I've had so many revelations about myself, but I noticed I've been still searching deeper and deeper for answers. As of this moment in time, I...
I will try to make it as short as possible, but my history with pain is long, and to be honest this post is more or less scream for help. So let...
So, what do you think about "owning" a crappy childhood? I'm looking to "accept and forgive" the various reasons I felt so neglected and pretty...
Can TMS symptoms be caused by deeply buried sadness and grief instead of rage in anger? My grandmother died 10 years ago and I've never finished...
I just want to say thank you for this amazing service and support! Thank you Alan Gordon for providing so many amazing audio clips and tips to...
Yesterday a memory kept surfacing of being age 3 or 4 and being left for the weekend with a caregiver. I remember that I finished dinner...
I was just completing the activity that asks you to list things that make you angry and sad. I had a long list for sad but struggled to get...
Hi All, I haven't posted in a while. Usually I don't spill my life story on the internet! But you all have become family to me! My TMS family...
Dear friends, I keep on being astonish how much the behaviour of our parents influence us. It seems like their patterns of behaving has imprented...
So, for the last week of the programme, I did not do everything in it, but I did do affirmations after reading Louise Hay which helped me...
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