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2 ten dollar bills will SAVE you. Truth. Paul David

Discussion in 'General Discussion Subforum' started by Branson, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi Balto, I respect you dearly, but I think you've misunderstood my post. The OP states that we should get back to "living", nowhere in the original post does it address we should think psychologically and transform our thinking; to being positive, removing fear and thinking clean. I'm aware of the impact limiting beliefs and negative thinking can have at a physiological level. My stance for my own journey and to get back to living, is that I must do the work; the principle of "just" getting back to life, certainly couldn't be applied to someone who suffers from E g, insomnia (people who have overcome this TMS equivalent meditated, journaled etc etc)

    I understand the principles of the technique and I've no doubt that they worked for you. But with TMS healing one approach doesn't suit all. Some have to gradually work through the process in manageable, blocks and build up "confidence" in the technique. Techniques like meditation, journalling can actually have profound effects and help people shift their thinking from a place of fear to one which is more neutral where everything seems bearable and possible. Distraction, as you class journaling, meditation, etc works and has been proven scientifically. These techniques are quite important if someone's is in severe chronic pain, or suffering anxiety, or immobile and shouldn't be hastily dismissed.

    I understand you may have been able to apply the techniques for knee pain, back pain etc but it's important we are "mindful" that not everyone on the forum has similar circumstances / symptoms or heals in the same way and nor can they just get back to living without making significant changes. One has to have a sense of purpose and be truly happy. I believe without addressing these factors aswell as thinking one is totally healthy, symptoms will reoccur over and over again.

    Best regards
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Simplicity and karinabrown like this.
  2. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    I agree that getting the fear monkey off your back is crucial in healing, to change how we react to everyday life - to step out of the negative loop and into a more positive one. How we get there is different for each one of us. For most it's not an option to just read a book and say 'hey, well I'm just going to start living now' - we need to find ways to teach ourselves that we are safe and OK, which can be easier said than done.

    On the other hand, to engulf yourself in innumerable TMS books and techniques without making changes in your life won't get you anywhere. Isn't the point of the tools to help you move forward? Some need to take baby steps, some are able to make huge leaps - the key is to take the steps (and IMO keeping it simple). That's what this place is for, to help you figure out what works for you and then encourage you to follow that path.
  3. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well said @Simplicity. I agree with your post totally.
    karinabrown and Simplicity like this.
  4. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    mike2014 likes this.
  5. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    That's what I love about this forum, there are so many intelligent and articulate people who may have differing views. But all support and respect one another.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
  6. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Well said Simplicity!
  7. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi, Simplicity. I like Mike's reply to you. We should celebrate even the smallest steps toward TMS healing. Like the ancient Chinese saying, a journey of a thousand miles begins with taking the first step. But who knows about them? They said they didn't invent chop suey and we did. The importsnt thing is, someone invented it and I love it. We all have long journeys in our lives, and the time to start them is now.
  8. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I think @Simplicity and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to healing, She's definitely come a long way over the last few months which I'm really delighted to see.

    @Walt Oleksy

    You are a truly remarkable person and I absolutely love how compassionate and caring you are towards others on a daily basis. I, one day aspire to be on your level. God bless you always my dear friend and have the most wonderful of weeks.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    Karen, Tennis Tom and Simplicity like this.
  9. KatheC

    KatheC New Member

    Thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered and look forward to the read and tools. I have found since my anxiety has gotten worse, I fear so many more things than in the past. Just in the last year, attending a small meeting at work, my anxiety rises and I have to start the breathing techniques. In my recent past experience with my IBS and back issues has created a withdrawn person that doesn't want to interact with others for fear of panic attack arising while people are in my company. It's a new fear, that just hits me. I get lightheaded, dizzy, and my heart races. My stomach reacts to the nervousness, and I feel like I need to go to a restroom NOW. As soon as the meeting is over and I go back to my "safe zone", I am calmer and back to myself. It's only when I am cornered with closed doors that it seems to be worse. I hope this book helps. The deep breathing has definitely helped.
    Karen and mike2014 like this.
  10. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

  11. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    Have you heard of Claire Weekes? I suffered from severe anxiety, panic attacks and dizziness and her book helped me tremendously. Many of us with anxiety on the forum like her a lot and find her techniques to be life-changing.
    mike2014 likes this.
  12. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    Hi Kathe,

    In the past had my share of panic attacks and hyperventlating (wich in my case kept the panic going) i learned breathing exercises and still do them everyday..(that's now 15 years) nowadays i use a app on my Phone from Saagara..look it up if you like!
    Helps me enorm: Never had the social anxiety anymore. Can be a real strong tool.
    Also great to relax without panic.

    KatheC and mike2014 like this.
  13. karinabrown

    karinabrown Well known member

    'know' for couple of weeks now: What great writer and person!
    mike2014 likes this.
  14. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle


    I find the following particularity useful for anxiety.

    Alternate nostril breathing

    And 4-7-8 breathing

  15. KatheC

    KatheC New Member

    Thank you all for the tips! I am looking into all of them now. I am willing to try them all as I know the deep breathing does help calm me. Your all the best! Take care!
    Simplicity and mike2014 like this.
  16. Huckleberry

    Huckleberry Well known member

    Totally agree with this sentiment.

    I used to get very disheartened with the fact that I had been trying to 'beat' TMS for so long without any real tangible results but upon reflection I could see all I was doing was knowledge gathering but failing to implement it on a daily/consistent basis.

    I read somewhere that the key to success with pretty much anything is to 'get a plan and get on it' and think this applies here. I believe that as we are all different we probably do respond to different methodologies regarding starting to feel better and to healing but we really need to choose one and commit in order to at least begin to move forward.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    mike2014 and Simplicity like this.
  17. mike2014

    mike2014 Beloved Grand Eagle

    Or to quote the Nike commercial or the SteveO book, "just do it".
    Simplicity and KatheC like this.
  18. Tennis Tom

    Tennis Tom Beloved Grand Eagle

    Have you gotten an RX for meds to calm the symptoms?
  19. KatheC

    KatheC New Member

    @Tennis Tom ...no I dont like rx and want to try to solve this myself thru self help...so far I have controlled it thru deep breathing and my successes show me I can contol this
  20. Simplicity

    Simplicity Guest

    Exactly... plus you've been able to get back to living life before, so you know you have the power to get better. You have the awareness and the insight, you just have to trust yourself to take the necessary steps.
    Tennis Tom, Huckleberry and mike2014 like this.

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