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A desperate plea for help

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Workinghard, Feb 12, 2020.

  1. cool_change

    cool_change New Member

    They sure are, @Workinghard! I also have been diagnosed with vestibular migraines/ vertigo, and I'm finding that despite being one of the symptoms that is less talked about, TMS techniques are beginning to help me, and to help me understand and treat the anxiety and panic that comes with it. I discovered TMS 3 weeks ago, and it has opened my eyes to a new way of seeing my symptoms. I'm so glad you found us here, we can all relate to your feelings of fear and uncertainty and will support you along the way.
    plum and JanAtheCPA like this.
  2. Workinghard

    Workinghard New Member

    Thank you for the affirmation, cool change. Not much is known about the Stabile her migraine. It is one of the less common forms of migraine, and there is little research on it. However, there are two experts in Chicago who run a practice called Chicago dizziness and hearing. You can go to their webpage and look at their information both diagnostic and treatment, for a vestibular migraine. I saw them back in 2012 and they recommended Effexor which is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.. Effexor literally eliminated all of my vestibular migraine symptoms, and even when I weaned off of it I remained normal until I started having trouble sleeping with my back. Effexor is the brand name for the generic venlafaxine.
  3. Workinghard

    Workinghard New Member

    Hello Everyone,
    I started a new thread last week regarding how to re-introduce activity to build confidence in movement. I'm having terrible trouble walking up even gently sloped roads, which makes it difficult to do my daily walks. I'm also having trouble walking up my steps, getting out of my car, standing from a chair, and I cannot flex from my waist ( I have to hip hinge and bear my weight with my arms). . I have to walk up steps very slowly and can only climb the steps in the evening . I'll flare if I climb them in the morning .I tried walking up my gently sloped driveway at a normal walking pace, last night and today. Was OK last night, but after doing it today, my back feels swollen (which usually means my muscles are tight). This makes me think weakened muscles and ligaments, not TMS. This is ridiculous, in 2018 I was hiking up steep slopes and climbing over boulders. If this keeps up,

    1. Does anyone have similar issues? How did you deal with them?

    2. Do the symptoms go away if you persist in doing these exercises?

    Thank you,
  4. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    When the recommended drug is an anti-depressant, you know you're dealing with a mental health condition. TMS is certainly a mental health condition, and Dr. Sarno even postulated (and many of us agree) that depression itself can be a form TMS. But Dr. Sarno himself said that some people really need the extra support of psychotherapy and medications in order to overcome extreme cases of TMS symptoms along with depression. We can't afford to be casual about depression - it's an insidious condition that without proper psychological treatment can result in a rapid decline in quality of life.

    I realize that you you are describing events that took place in 2012, but it tells us a lot. I strongly urge you to seek help from a licensed psychotherapist as soon as possible! You can recover, but I think that you may need specific individual help. We are not mental health professionals here, although we are certainly hoping for the very best outcome for you

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