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Ah, is this not happiness..

Discussion in 'Community Off Topic' started by Gigalos, Apr 28, 2013.

  1. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Just put one or two leaves on top and nibble chunks off with every scoop. But it is basically about the scent that goes well with vanilla ice cream, you don't HAVE to eat it if you don't like that.
    Also it makes a good mint tea, just chuck a couple of leaves in boiling hot water.

    I got multiple oregano bushes in my garden and it is buzzing with bumblebees and honey bees, they really love it, it's amazing. If you got the space, put down a Thyme and Rosemary too, great for baking potatoes or meat! And thyme is great to make tea from when you have a sore throat....

    happy gardening :)
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
    Lily Rose, Forest and Ellen like this.
  2. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Feeding The Wolf of Joy.

    Ah, is this not happiness.
  3. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    I was looking for 'funny belly dance' and ended up with this small vid that made me laugh....

    Last edited: Aug 2, 2017
  4. plum

    plum Beloved Grand Eagle

    Too cute :)
  5. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    This cup filled to the brim with black coffee.... I have one that is exactly the same; my favorite item to drink coffee out of. I think the yellow reminds me of hot custard, my favorite dessert when I was young. Also yellow makes a nice contrast with the black of the coffee...
    Ah... is this not happiness...

    MWsunin12 likes this.
  6. Ookami

    Ookami New Member

    Lol, there is indeed something special about coffee, especially the first cup in the morning. I'm on and off when it comes to coffee, but I pretty much ALWAYS enjoy the first few sips of a cup of coffee. :) I actually also sometimes use a yellow cup with my name on it, I like it!
  7. Ookami

    Ookami New Member

    If you like dogs or cats, I found this Japanese video that within the first 20 minutes features so much cuteness it doesn't even matter if you don't understand Japanese at all. The video is almost 2 hours long, so I don't know what happens later, but I intend to find out, lol. I actually got tears in my eyes from the cuteness of some of the animals I saw. :)

    http://www.miomio.tv/watch/cc337323/ (超かわいい映像連発!どうぶつピース2時間SP しゃべる猫?激かわ赤ちゃん祭 - 17.08.11 - 日本综艺 - MioMio弹幕网 - ( ^ω^)你是我的Master吗 - miomio.tv)
    Gigalos likes this.
  8. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    It's a good video for oxytocin production!
  9. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yesterday, I finally decided that it was time to take my annual plunge in the sea. I took my bicycle and prepared myself for the three climbs I had to conquer in the dunes to be able to reach the beach.
    On the way there I cheered on a woman who had much more trouble reaching the top than I did and she reacted with surprise and laughter, as if she was racing in the Tour de France and I was a spectator cheering her on.
    Finally there I felt so relaxed that I almost fell asleep, helped by the gentle noise of small waves hitting the shore line, sea gulls fighting in the distance over a Pringle and a hazy sun that made it neither hot or cold, but just perfect.
    Lainey, plum and Lily Rose like this.
  10. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    I may not be able to top the experience of basking in the music of the ocean, but I also had a delightful morning. I met with a young woman who is opening a small art store in town. She wishes to represent my mandala dot paintings (both on mats and rocks), and my Faerie wire jewelry of arm cuffs and Elven ears. It would appear that at age 53, I have slipped into the realm of being an 'artist'. A rather jittery, exciting, frightening and daunting venture! This will occur in October, which gives me time to finish out my Farmers' Market season and build up some more stock.

    My Faeries and Angels are certainly empowering me ;)

    ... with Love and extra special Gratitude! <3
    plum and Gigalos like this.
  11. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Spending the afternoon making a large pan of tomato sauce to conserve, using my own home grown tomatoes and herbs, the garlic and onions were grown by my mother. The tomatoes were so sweet that I didn't even need to add sugar. AITNH?

    As I am writing this, a lady bug is intrigued by my computer screen...
    Lainey, plum and Lily Rose like this.
  12. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    chicken pasta pesto, finished in 15 minutes and delicious... aitnh?

    plum likes this.
  13. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    patient: Doctor, I've been wrestling with back pain for a couple of weeks.
    doctor: Well, I suggest to stop wrestling and switch to a sport that is less intensive, like chess...
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
  14. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    watch and learn, a cow knows how to live in the now
  15. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes, they do. They love, play, show all their emotions freely, have social interactions ... which is one of many reasons I cannot consider them food. They are fellow beings that share this world with us. Animals have much to teach us, including how to enjoy each moment as it comes.

    What a sweet post to make, thank you!

    .... always with Love and Gratitude ^_^
    Gigalos likes this.
  16. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Watching Jane ruminate is like watching flames in a fire... I suggest to put it on a loop if you want to watch something relaxing.
    Lily Rose likes this.
  17. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle

    I live in the country on a couple acres, surrounded by hills and mountains and a river across the street. We have an abundance of wildlife as well as many farms in the area. We even get to see a bear or two on occasion (they help clean up the fallen apples, which is nice). At this moment, the Quail are carrying on a loud conversation in our backyard. Nature soothes the soul.
    .... always with Gratitude and Love <3
  18. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    It must be beautiful where you live...
  19. Lily Rose

    Lily Rose Beloved Grand Eagle


    This is my side yard, facing south (Spring Time). Sebastian is my old magical Willow. He has quite a story. Behind the thick hedge of roses and blackberries is the road, and across from that is the River. Across the River, the mountains rise up. The first tree on the left in this photo is a Black Locust, and in the base there is a wild bee hive.
    The Hive produces at least three new Queens each year. The first swarm is the 'old' Queen. The swarms that follow are new Queens. It is quite dramatic and thrilling to stand outside with them as they congregate. The sound is so loud it can be heard inside the house, which is how we know to come outside. They usually settle in our old Walnut Tree, but sometimes it is one of the Apple Trees. Usually they linger for about 24 to 48 hours, though this year they one swarm lingered several days.

    My Mom lives up the mountain, and the view from her place is spectacular. You have to cross a one-lane bridge over the River, and then another, less substantial looking bridge across a large creek (always gives newcomers a pause ;) ). Once the bridge is crossed, pavement is a dim memory, and potholes take over! There are areas where the road is a tunneled by overlapping Trees. When the sun pries through, it is very mystical. On the road up to her house (the 'driveway' is a couple miles long), we have encountered a River Otter, a Turtle (we relocated to a pond), and several times a Bear, sometimes with cubs.

    In our yard, when the Bear have come, they have always remained very polite, and retreat up the back hill a little ways until our Lucy has taken care of her business. They do us a great service, and we live peacefully with them. (Apple Trees drop a LOT of apples and make a tremendous mess).

    Our property is a 'no-kill' zone. The exception is: ticks and mosquitoes. We live easily with Wasps and all their relative (even the ones that live in the ground). Wasps are very social creatures, and very nosy at times. They like to know what you are doing. A little vinegar and water sprayed under the porch overhang keeps them discouraged from setting up their nests there. They are a gardeners friend.

    Spiders are allowed in our house, as they perform a great service. We have fruit flies and gnats and other pesty critters, which the corner webs catch neatly. Every so often I go through and clean away their debris thick webs and they start all over.

    Animals and all the various creatures we share this world with do not distress me. It is only people who can do real damage. But it is also people who can help us heal, too.

    Yesterday was an especially beautiful Fall day, with crisp blue skies and the cottonballs of clouds scattered so artistically. River songs and Quail chatter, and the mournful cry of the Stellar Jay competing with the Squirrels in the Walnut Tree. Blissful :)

    .... always with Love and Gratitude ^_^
    Ellen, plum and Gigalos like this.
  20. Gigalos

    Gigalos Beloved Grand Eagle

    Wow... very very nice....
    I'll try to remember the vinegar trick to keep wasps away.

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