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ANXIETY making me feel suicidal

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by nowa, May 21, 2020.

  1. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Nowa....don't apologize!!!!! We all in this together.....thinking of you today!
    nowa likes this.
  2. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    thank you Rene, but I am feeling dreadful today, which is so disappointing. I got very stressed yesterday when I had to try to log in to a tv channel, and every time I reset my password it didn't work, so I persevered and after at least an hour i managed to do it, but the stress was so great that i didn't feel hungry until 8pm and that got me later and later feeling stressed. so I didn't get to sleep until around 4 am and i woke at 6 am and remembered that the water pressure on my boiler is getting dangerously low. so i got up to check it and it is even lower, so I tried to google how to remedy it and tried and failed, which means that i will have to
    get somebody in and as i am currently shielding, that will be even more stress to deal with. so how can i ever calm down again?

    All my symptoms are back including my swollen ankle...
    TG957 likes this.
  3. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Hi Nowa......I hope this helps.....
    You see...I am ony own and have tons of this crappy stuff happen all the time. It's such a hard place to be in...no support and you feel you just struggle every day right? I feel that way too....and when things go wrong with my tv...computer...apartment (I live in Ontario Canada btw) it's so overwhelming that other people who have familes or support do not understand. Or in my case...I had a family but they were SO verbally and emotionally abusive....I can't take it I had to go No Contact (then I got wicked TMS as I loved them but they kept abusing me...so cowardly).
    So please know there are people here who can feel your pain...that is why I'm so greatfull for this site Nowa....I think we all a "team" here....from hurt...abuse...lonliness disappointment etc.
    It's a sad place to be in....I don't go out much myself as my neighbours super nosey and I can't deal with their petty crap if I see them...so nosey!!!!!
    I'm glad your venting it really helps.....I'm thinking of you today....giant hugs!!!!!!
    nowa likes this.
  4. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    Thank you Rene, I am in the same position regarding family and neighbours, you are right, it is very hard. I am feeling better today, I hope I can have a good day! and I hope the same for you!!
    Nowa xx
  5. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Hi Nowa!!!! It's bed time here in Canada ..but let's chat soon.... please... PLEASE feel free to vent to ME ANYTIME!!❤️❤️❤️
    seems we in same boat!!!!! It's now 1:42am.....so I will text you when I up tomorrow...May 26. I do find it hard to get up .....I'm enjoying our posts I hope you find some support in them..I know I do.
    God bless talk soon!❤️
    nowa likes this.
  6. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    I hope you have a good night!!!
  7. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    Where are you Rene? I have had another shit night and am feeling dreadful again, was hoping to find your promised text here...
  8. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    I sent yesterday in another forum u were on I'm shit too! I'm in Canada....we having brutal heat wave May 25....over 90 f (33c) ug. Since I have been on Wiki I feel some of my stomach pain improving as I can now talk to people who understand...all I can say is Thank God for this forum/site.....not sure if you feel this way or others reading...but why is it as you are walking up from sleep....for 2 seconds you feel ok then all the anxiety/horrible hurt and pain of what the teams caused comes rushing back in....and your whole day gets ruined as the mind won't stop....then (for me it's internal gut inflmaation it's very painful) pain starts again them you have to start with the TMS practice to remind yourself it's from repressed rage...and boom. The whole day is gone...SO frustrating!!!!!
    Any tips or tricks on "how to have a successful wakening" so as not to ruin entire day?
  9. nowa

    nowa Peer Supporter

    If you could check out m oher thread, 'how to escape this anger treadmill" you might find an answer...
    Rene100 likes this.
  10. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Thanks Miss! I will!
    nowa likes this.

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