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Been away, but back with stomach issues-Gastritis

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Lala, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. Boston Redsox

    Boston Redsox Well Known Member


    Thx for sharing your detailed description of what you are going threw .....allow your self as much self care that you need and totally live your self.

    God Bless You
  2. Tunza

    Tunza New Member

    Lala, I hope that you are still well. I want to thank you for sharing what you did as I am currently going through upper GI pain, nausea etc and you have given me such hope. I've had a gastroscopy that showed nothing other than a small hernia so my doctor has concluded it's a functional GI problem triggered by stress. Your descriptions of dealing with it at night times really reflected what I have been going through. It has got to the point that at times I am frightened to go to bed. Now I have started journalling and doing mindfulness and I am starting to get some great insights. I look forward to the pain and discomfort not needing to be there any more.
  3. Bodhigirl

    Bodhigirl Well known member

    It’s not what I was eating, it’s what was eating me.
    I returned today because I’m having the second stomach ache in one week. Haven’t had a stomach ache in a long long time.
    Symptom imperative, surely.
    Holidays and grief? You bet.
    I think standard time...early darkness...kicked up symptoms for me.
    I just practice kindness. Over and over. More and more patience and kindness.
    Glad you guys are always here.
    It is so non-linear, so very one day at a time.

    Stomach better from writing. Time to read a book.

    Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season.

    TrustIt likes this.
  4. Bodhigirl

    Bodhigirl Well known member

    Going mad is so therapeutic! Grateful to read this. Letting go of control is the best form of self care we can practice. Acceptance is ... everything. You cannot let go of things you do know know... so consciousness, for me, is critical to success.
    We are not alone.
    What a gift!
  5. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Hi...it's 2020 I just became member....I hope you ladies have had improvement. My story so long but nutshell...I've carried TOXIC RAGE my entire life ...dad left mom for a gold digger....hmy mother and brother blamed me for their struggle as I had gone on a work trip for 1 yr but no idea dad was leaving...ffwd....mom and bro made my life a living hell (besides Dr. Sarno some of you may be interested in Healing from Hidden Abuse by Shannon Thomas...it's amazing). The Universe put Dr. Sarnia book in front of me about 3 yrs ago at Indigo and I can't believe it...THIS HAS TO BE ME...then I found this site...how AMAZING we can connect and help each other!!!!! I believe talking about it (as it's hard to speak to most about TMS....we are unique as we KNOW it's real...hey Howard Stern does too!!!) So I'm so relieved already to be able to share and help.
    I do believe a million percent gastritis TMS...trouble is once it flairs....it can take FOREVER to go away...even practising TMS protocols. Also....once you have it I find ANY stress causes knowing burning (not good for tissue in stomach).
    Mine most recent triggered by aega toxic co-worker who made my life hell....I ended up in emerg from acute gastritis.....been one year still pain as job so stressful...off now due to Covid in hospital I worked in.
    Does anybody have any input on their success story with gastritis????
    Live to all! Rene
  6. jula

    jula Peer Supporter

    Hi! I am not done with my stomach issues, I have only just started TMS program, but I can tell you that I was diagnosed with GERD, functional dyspepsia and IBS and the more I obsessed - the worse it became. At one point I had transient gastroparesis. It was the worst! I was on a very bland diet and one day I said screw it and had good stuff and at that point my gastroparesis started going away. I also had gastritis attacks (as per symptoms as my stomach lining is fine, hence the FD diagnosis) - my stomach hurt after most things, I was left with 15 products. But when I developed new TMS symptoms, my stomach calmed down significantly. I am not perfect yet but compared to my daily crippling stomach pain - it’s so much better.
    TrustIt likes this.
  7. TrustIt

    TrustIt Well known member

    I am also in the anxiety ibs loop. It's awful. One thing eases and the other kicks in. It seems almost cruel that my mind would do this. The link to the audio program isn't working so I'm going to try to find it elsewhere. Thanks for that info. I think I need something like that. I feel trapped and victimized by my mind and actually fear what it can do at times.
  8. Rene100

    Rene100 Peer Supporter

    Hi...I too just got gastritis/ inflammation in bowel back...I have abscess tooth I in agony for long time...boom. it's back.
    I had for decades....if I'm doing something gets my mind off it it will disappear....as soon as serving massively depressing happens? Kapow.
    TMS is something else...let me tell you.

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