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Dr. Schechter's Blog Blog 5: Accepting the diagnosis, dealing with doubt

Discussion in 'Mindbody Blogs (was Practitioner's Corner)' started by Think Away Your Pain Blog, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. Think Away Your Pain Blog

    Think Away Your Pain Blog Automated blog by David Schechter, MD

    Originally posted: December 17, 2014

    I regularly deal with skepticism about the diagnosis of TMS. I deal with worry that something else is wrong. I deal with a reluctance to give up a structural model for chronic pain.

    Today, with one patient, I could tell with the first sentence that doubt remained. I knew that if I didn't help the patient extinguish this doubt it could burst into full fledged rejection. Doubting the diagnosis of tension myositis syndrome / tension myoneural syndrome is toxic to the treatment. Doubting poisons the ability to move forward with hope and calmness. Doubt drives anxiety (and vice versa). Doubt must be addressed by the physician caring for the patient. It's harder for the psychotherapist, if one is involved, because although an emotion, doubt can be grounded in specific structural comments or diagnoses that the patient hangs on to. Therefore the physician can most effectively address the rational basis for a new diagnosis, a diagnosis that is not bio-mechanical, but mind/brain based.

    Doubt--- the roadblock that must be passed through to succeed in treatment.
  2. Alan Gordon LCSW

    Alan Gordon LCSW TMS Therapist

    Most important point ever. TMS physicians are able to help patients accept the TMS diagnosis more than even the most skilled therapists. Dr. Schechter's one of the best at this.

  3. Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021)

    Walt Oleksy (RIP 2021) Beloved Grand Eagle

    For some people, believing 100 percent in TMS causing pain is the hardest to achieve.

    Dr. Schechter is a great help for these people.

    Why not give belief a chance. Is it harder than being a skeptic?
    Maybe being a skeptic is easier, but it doesn't help anyone.
    mike2014 and North Star like this.
  4. North Star

    North Star Beloved Grand Eagle

    And this is the reason I drove 1,800 miles to see Dr. Schubiner. I remind myself frequently: There is NOTHING wrong! Or in his words, "You definitely have MindBody Syndrome!"

    BTW- I am enjoying Dr. Schechter's book very much. It was one of the perks I received for supporting the All The Rage campaign. (And who doesn't love a perk?)

    I am so grateful for all the loving professionals who work in the TMS arena. They are true pioneers in addition to being extraordinary human beings.
    mike2014, Ellen and Forest like this.
  5. DocDave

    DocDave TMS Physician and Author

    Above comments all noted and appreciated. Often one needs to be in the presence of a healer to feel more relaxed, more accepting, less doubtful. While this often can't always, every time be face to face, and Alan Gordon and other therapists do a great job on skype creating that sense of presence.... driving 1800 miles as described above or flying from San Francisco as a patient of mine did today, shows the importance of sitting together. The sharing that goes on in TMS work-- speaking as a medical doctor-- the patient sharing their story, their narrative, and the physician listening carefully, helping to make connections, explaining, giving examples from his/her experience with other patients and in his own life... all vitally important to reducing doubt and to ultimately healing from this condition. At the end of skepticism, there can be a profound answer for a patient, personal growth, and pain relief--a wonderful gift to oneself.
    North Star likes this.

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