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Day 1 BPS/IC words of encouragement!

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by emmatronz, Jun 24, 2024.

  1. emmatronz

    emmatronz Newcomer

    Hi everyone. I have been aware of TMS for around 6 months now but somehow only came across the free course today. I am fully committed to doing this now and I’m so thankful for the resource.

    I was hoping some people on here would be able to advise around bladder pain syndrome type of problem. As I can fully accept pains like back pain or neck pain (which I also have) but for some reason I’m struggling to fully accept that my swollen stomach and irritated, sore bladder are TMS too. So if anyone has had the same issue and used TMS to clear it up I would be most grateful to hear.

    thank you!
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi @emmatronz and welcome to the SEP! Have you tried using our search function? Before you enter your keyword go down and click on More... , then enter your keyword or words and go down to limit your search to the Success Stories subforum. When you get your results, choose the second tab which is "results from our forum only". You'll find plenty of references to bladder issues and/or pelvic issues in general because I've seen many of those references over the years.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

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