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Can we talk about ‘secondary gain’? (What are you maybe getting from having TMS)

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by Diana-M, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    This is soooo true! I think allowing the feelings to flow is really important! Learning to let them be part of your conscious world. For me, anger has been non existent so learning what it feels like in my body has been hard to learn. I don’t know if I’m there yet. But I’m working on it. And also recognizing that it is a normal human emotion. It’s actually ok to feel it.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    @Baseball65 @Sita @Cactusflower
    I agree with you guys on this one!
  3. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    To me this discussion is great, and so nuanced. I love the understanding of participants...to look below the perceived secondary gain for the fundamental psychological dynamics.

    When I read Dr. Sarno saying there is essentially no or little "secondary gain" in TMS activity, I was greatly relieved. It wasn't me "doing this to myself to get x, y, or z." I have a very strong Inner Critic, and his words landed on me with great compassion. What I heard is that something (unconscious) was going inside me which my Inner Critic could not beat myself up for "having done this to myself to gain something." Great compassion to let someone with a mind like mine completely off the hook. I appreciate your explanation Baseball of the pain clinic approach and beliefs around this. I think if I'd landed in a place like that, I would have festered, feeling caught in a bind and that there is a layer of "blaming the victim." And the "secondary gain" theory would have kept me looking ---and suffering in my looking, much more on the surface. To me Dr. Sarno's view is so clean.
    Ellen and Diana-M like this.
  4. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    This is correct. And to be honest I would not be able to ask money from all these suffering people in order to share this truth with them. I could not.
    Diana-M likes this.
  5. Sita

    Sita Well known member

    I didn't know about this theory behind Chronic pain clinics. I wish I knew earlier all these. I had a therapist guy one time, he was obese. A chiropractor. He said that he'll help me to feel much much better in a month if I come 3 times/week. My husband insisted that we go and see him. I didn't want to go, I knew at that time about Sarno's theories. Anyway, long story short, I went. I went to him for 6 weeks.

    He said that I have a shorter leg (it's true) and a higher hip and wanted me to wear something in my right shoe for support to get the heel higher. He sold me a special belt and another 'thing' for toning my core area. He was full of s... My husband insisted on keeping an open mind and to continue to see this 'expert'.

    At one point I complained to the chiropractor that I gained some weight and I could not lose it and that I was struggling. He said that after he'll cure me I'll lose the weight NOT BEFORE. So I have to continue to come to him so he can cure me. This was his last comment, my last visit. After 6 weeks of treatments. The freak was a star chiropractor, working with athletes and so on. An older and "experienced" guy. His comment about healing me and losing the extra weight was so idiotic that ... it forced me to see the light clearer and to never go back again to see him. He could not lose his own extra weight (he was obese!!!) but was the f expert healer capable of fixing me. What a joke. I told my husband: "I never want to hear about any type of treatment and I'll never go back to that freak again, never!"

    The obese freak, actually his secretary called me at home after this 4 times in order to convince me to go back. They were desperate for my money, she had no shame in calling me 4 times. I said "No". It was very hard not to yell on the phone to her:"No f way, you freaks!" Pardon my French.
    HealingMe and Diana-M like this.
  6. Baseball65

    Baseball65 Beloved Grand Eagle

    I just remembered my ex-wives 'healer'..I forget what his official title was, BUT....

    I kept hearing about 'Dr. Marty saved so and so'...in hushed tones of awestruck adoration. Based on who was saying it (middle class trophy wives)
    I GUESSED he was a 40something good-looking preppy type....and I was right! He was an Osteo or Chiro or one of those pretend doctor titles.

    Dr. Marty used to place items in people's palm and then press on limbs and 'check their strength' and determine their 'allergies'... Being someone who works with physics and Leverage almost everyday of his life, It wasn't hard to tell that is was all a SHAM. Moving a pivot point 1" completely changes its load bearing capacity, but I digress

    This idiot told my Son he had a CORN allergy. My ex was so excited about the snake oil salesman she was dragging my kids there to be 'cured' (They weren't sick)

    So, Dr. Baseball65 took my recently diagnosed son to a 7-11 with his brother and told them to get any candy they wanted out of the rack. His older brother got a pretty healthy pile of stuff on the counter, but every time my 'Corn Allergic' son placed something on the counter, I would read the ingredients.
    "Nope...contains Corn starch, try again"
    "Nope, contains corn meal , try again"
    "Nope contains Corn syrup, try again"

    Finally, I said "Look, I don't want to see you have an allergic reaction...DR. Marty says you're allergic to Corn. These MnM's and this snickers bar are both LOADED with corn Products, BUT I'll buy them for you. When you have that allergic reaction, I will ban you from them FOR LIFE!"

    Needless to say, He ate both and was fine. In fact, he wanted a few more, which I gladly bought him.

    I came home and told my then-wife "Hey, Guess what? I am a Healer TOO!" I cured our son of his 'Corn Allergy'"

    there is a LOT of BS out there to sort through.
    HealingMe, backhand and Diana-M like this.
  7. learningmore

    learningmore Peer Supporter

    Wow, this.

    My first instinct is "HOLY SHIT I SHOULD KILL THAT PERSON" and then I feel like a horrible person for even having that thought.

    I just put that thought out there in the universe.

    I am a terrible person.

    Only shitty people kill people, I am no better than the people I despise.

    Then I feel like I'm a trash human for even having such a shitty thought.

    I mean, I spend a large part of my day hating shitty people, narcissists, abusers, etc. I mean they make the world shitty and it's their fault. But then I have to classify myself the same as them. Because who am I to have those thoughts?

    So you're saying just have the thoughts because they aren't real?
    Diana-M and backhand like this.
  8. learningmore

    learningmore Peer Supporter

    What's the goal, then? Repressing is bad. Smacking objects is bad (I read about doing this in Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving, as good advice), and venting is bad? So when you see the person you're angry at you're supposed to vent AT them?
  9. Andy Bayliss

    Andy Bayliss TMS Coach & Beloved Grand Eagle

    Yes. The folks here on the Forum who have self-knowledge about what probably causes their TMS have, almost to a person, accepted that we have these hateful thoughts toward others. It is human. It is natural to have these thoughts. That is part of the journey that one must take. It goes very much against our upbringing, because these thoughts, we're taught, "make us bad people."

    We don't act them out on others. We, with clear eyes acknowledge the reality of these thoughts and feelings, and forgive ourselves.

    Working with the Inner Critic is often very important because it is the Inner Critic which "makes us wrong" for these thoughts/feelings. Inner Critic activity blocks awareness, and worse, blocks self-forgiveness. It keeps us in the mind-loops you describe.

    Dr. Sarno taught that TMS is caused by the tension between what we're feeling down deep, and what is acceptable to our conscious conditioned self.

    Yeats (not Wordsworth) described the evolution, out of these loops, and if you take this in, he's talking about release of attachment to our conditioned sense of "who we take ourselves to be." And in this understanding, there is no "sin" as we observe, with compassion, parts of ourselves engage the world the way they do with their reactivity, hate, anger, whatever... But we don't act it out on others, as best we can.

    I am content to follow to its source
    Every event in action or in thought;
    Measure the lot; forgive myself the lot!
    When such as I cast out remorse
    So great a sweetness flows into the breast
    We must laugh and we must sing,
    We are blest by everything,
    Everything we look upon is blest.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2024
  10. Diana-M

    Diana-M Beloved Grand Eagle

    Thanks for this, Andy. I agree. And it really is something to grow through self discovery, and be able in real time, to just say these “truths” to yourself. They are true to a childish part of you and it’s actually making you sick. Then let’s just feel them, say them and be done with them. You know, I’ll admit a horrible one right here in public. I wish my sons never got married. I want them all to myself. (That’s not the Real Me….Or is it?!!! :cool:)

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