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Cyclical Nature of TMS: Back pain, insomnia and SIBO/IBS

Discussion in 'Support Subforum' started by nora97, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Mitocondria

    Mitocondria New Member

    Hi Nora :)

    My first message in this forum. I feel very identified with 'And what will it be next year?' I have also been on a medical pilgrimage for the last 3 years for new pathologies (and where there is never anything).

    My answer is about SIBO.

    My wife suffered from brutal abdominal inflammation. She looked 4 months or more pregnant. The SIBO test came back positive for methane. She underwent treatment and improved a little, but not enough.

    The fault was mine. Coping with my anxiety was a daily challenge. She went on vacation to Sri Lanka and after spending 48 hours there, his swelling disappeared.

    You'll think maybe I ate differently. No, rice and vegetables with chicken. Just like at home.

    Your mind is generating SIBO.

    A client of mine is number 1 in this field in my country, and… Do you know what he is working on to cure him? autohypnosis.

    He knows that the mental component is key in all this.

    you got this!
  2. SIBOinLondon

    SIBOinLondon Newcomer

    Dear all,

    I just finished Sarno’s book The Divided Mind and it was a revelation. I had already figured out that my perfectionism and dysfunctional household when I was a teenager was the cause of my SIBO/IBS and other less major psychosomatic issues but I was not aware that I could use a treatment plan like Sarno’s to help me fix it. I’ve been seeing countless doctors, nutritionists and naturopaths for the last 25 (!) years with either no or temporary relief.

    I then googled and came upon this wiki and
    @nora97 your post and it is so spot on for me. I’ve booked a consultation with a TMS specialist for Tuesday so curious to find out more!

    thanks all for your contributions to this community, I feel like the puzzle pieces are all coming together for me, and I’ll check out the podcasts you recommend as well.

    Last edited: Jul 27, 2024
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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