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Day 1: at this again, worked last time!

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by felixwells, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. felixwells

    felixwells Newcomer

    Two years ago I was suffering for 9 months after a fall from a bicycle. Doctors found no muscular problems, but I had shooting pain up my left leg and into my buttock. I did constant stretches and exercises and nothing helped--until I found TMS. I went through this program and it vanished! That pain has never returned--but recently I've had hip pain that I foolishly thought was just aging and something I had to live with....until I realized of course! This is TMS back again! And it is--it moves around, is not consistent, and there's nothing wrong with me. As Sarno says, arthritis is just like gray hair. It isn't dangerous. So I'm back to reassert these principles to myself and perhaps work through more hidden anger and fear. Here we go! Can't wait!
    Ruth65 and Diana-M like this.
  2. Diana-M

    Diana-M Well known member

    Good for you! Welcome back! You have a great attitude. And a successful history. All of that will surely help you heal again!
    Ruth65 likes this.

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