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Day 1: Miscarriage to Mess

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Mardi327, Oct 17, 2023.

  1. Mardi327

    Mardi327 Newcomer

    My TMS journey began a few months after a miscarriage last December. My body totally freaked out and began creating all kinds of seemingly unrelated symptoms.

    I went from low abdominal pain (which made sense), to upper right abdominal pain (which led to ultrasounds, fear about gallbladder). All came back clear. I was weak, tired, unmotivated despite being mid thirties.

    I then developed eating issues, stomach pain, a stomach ulcer (maybe?). I quit gluten, dairy, just about anything I liked eating haha. I lost twenty five pounds.

    Things continued and I kept fighting to solve them. Physical therapy kinda helped my hip/abdominal pain, chiropractic kinda helped my rib/abdominal pain. I worked with a therapist, functional medicine doctor, and regular doctors to tackle each symptom as it came. I’ve tried yoga and relaxation. One symptom would clear and another would crop up within no time. Oh one bad one was TMJ. It was so painful and I got evaluated by a dentist who wanted $20,000 to fix it. Thankfully we’ve moved on from that symptom before I dropped that kind of money!!!

    Now I am really delving in the work of somatic tracking and TMS related therapies. Well my body is NOT A FAN and I got heart palpitations, chest pain, and panic. A healthy mid thirties female and I’m running to the doctor in fear of a heart attack. I got a clear EKG but referred to a cardiologist and I just really am so done with all this. We are still checking on all that but my prediction is its TMS in full force.

    I just feel like ever since the terror of the miscarriage I’ve been a hot mess. A strain on my family both emotionally and financially. Really hoping and praying this work takes me the home stretch to break free. I’m currently free of my pains I have batted all year. We just need to get the heart settled too. Advice and encouragement is appreciated!
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hmm - in more ways than one, my dear. There is perhaps more wisdom in this statement than you intended when you wrote it.

    Hope is essential. Prayer is powerful. Just watch out for the pressure of expectations. Pressure leads to judgement, and judgement leads to symptoms.

    This work takes time, patience, faith, and probably forgiveness somewhere along the way. Usually towards ourselves. You will get there.

  3. Mardi327

    Mardi327 Newcomer

    Thank you @JanAtheCPA for your response! I am definitely caught up in the pressure and expectations. It’s hard to be proactive but also let go.
  4. Ryler

    Ryler Newcomer

    Hi Mardi, not sure if you would take a book recommendation (or if I'm allowed to make one) but I highly recommend 'The Body Keeps the Score'. It's not a TMS book but it talks about trauma and how it is stored in the body and can manifest into symptoms. At the end of the book, the are several chapters on recovery. A miscarriage sounds like a difficult trauma, I'm sorry that happened to you. Maybe some of the tools in this book could help you recover from your terror.
  5. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    I've seen this book recommended quite often for trauma, in fact.
    Of course you are! This is your forum, my forum, OUR forum! It just needs to be on-topic, and the topic is mindbody healing.

    IMO, a mind that is open to the many ways in which this can manifest will only enhance personal healing.

    We still use the term TMS in honor of Dr. Sarno, but he was still learning and still adjusting his thoughts about all this even in his retirement. I recall hearing that at some late point he informally stated that TMS should just refer to "The Mindbody Syndrome" instead of being restricted to his original theory of tense muscles. I believe Dr Sarno would have been fascinated and encouraged by the advances in neuroscience since his day.

    There are a ton of mindbody resources that don't mention TMS. I state on a regular basis that the two books that saved my life after Dr. Sarno were Hope & Help For Your Nerves, written by Claire Weekes in 1969 well before Dr. Sarno wrote his first book; and When The Body Says No, by Gabor Mate MD, who does not mention Dr. Sarno at all - and whose clearly-stated connection between physiological disease conditions and early emotional distress and trauma is mind-blowing and pretty radical for its time. No longer so radical, it turns out (as recent studies of inflammation are showing).

    That's probably TMI - but I'll take any chance to expound on this topic :D

    Keep up the good recommendations @Ryler!

    Ryler likes this.

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