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Day 1

Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Tootsie, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. Tootsie

    Tootsie Newcomer

    I just read Mind Body Prescription, so I’m about a week into my journey. I feel hopeful, but skeptical since I’m still having daily migraines. I try to push past the pain and think positive, meditate, but I am discouraged. I think we all want a quick fix. I do have doubts but feel hopeful since I have so much stress, anger and fear that I check all the boxes of TMS.
    I have had migraines my whole life but the last 5 years they became chronic and as of recently, daily. I have not had an MRI since I know it’s migraines and not something else. My pain goes away with my abortives but returns once it wears off. I am so tired of being miserable that I desperately want this to work. Thanks for reading.
    JanAtheCPA likes this.
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Welcome to the forum and Day 1 of the SEP @Tootsie!

    I have some advice for doing the SEP, because your fearful TMS brain is going to fight you tooth and nail. This can manifest in three ways:

    1. You might be tempted to speed through the program, but it's important to take it slowly and let it sink in. Use your extra time to peruse the forum, read a success story everyday, or maybe look at some of the other resources that people mention. Or perhaps do something IRL which you've been avoiding due to your symptoms. It's even more important to take your time with the writing exercises when those appear.

    2. With the exercises, it's important to be brutally honest when you're making your lists and writing out your topics. Your brain will try to convince you that certain things should not be written down, with the excuse that they probably "aren't important". In my experience these are things from the past which are embarrassing, shameful, or guilt-producing. They might be big or small, but it's essential to force yourself to write them all down anyway, and then be sure to write about them in detail when you get to that part. It's scary, risky, and feels very vulnerable. Taking risks and being vulnerable are essential to progress. Note that even though it's called journaling, this is not a formal journal. In fact, the experts say that this type of writing should be destroyed immediately. This gives you the freedom to take more risks and to be more vulnerable.

    3. Many people experience some amount of relief in the early days of starting this work, only to experience an increase or new symptoms some days in, which can include anxiety. While it's incredibly hard to see this as good news, it really is proof of the psychological source of the symptoms, because how else can this phenomenon be explained? Reach out to us if this happens, and you'll get plenty of reassurance that this is normal.

    We're here to support your journey, so keep us posted!

  3. Ellen

    Ellen Beloved Grand Eagle

    I had migraines my whole life too, and they became chronic for the last couple of years before I recovered using TMS techniques. You can read my Success Story (which also includes recovery from fibromyalgia) by clicking on my profile. At the end I include everything I did on the path to recovery. I hope you find it inspirational and helpful. It is possible to fully recover from migraines.

    Best wishes...
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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