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Discussion in 'Structured Educational Program' started by Betty Boop, Jul 15, 2024.

  1. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Hi everyone,
    I am new to tms wiki and glad to be here. Today is my day 1 of the program and it mentions that I should post a thread here.

    I have widespread symptoms at the moment.
    My main symptom that causes alot of anxiety and fear is the symptom I have on my scalp and face. It is a sensation of tightness and pulling that makes concentration very hard. For some reason it causes alot of anxiety because it pulls in all directions and it makes thinking very hard to keep telling my subconscious that I am safe.

    I know it is TMS as I have witness times it left when I lost the fear but I am in a pain fear cycle now for the past few months since it came back and I do not know how to get my subconscious brain to believe that it is TMS again. I don't remeber how I even did it before but I did.

    I have doubt and alot of anxiety that I know it is not physical and that it is TMS 100%. But my mind plays games that the label Fibromyalgia is just stuck in my mind and that I will be like this forever. There are days that I have full belief when symptoms are lower but like today doubt is in the driver seat.

    How to loose the fear because just telling myself that I am safe feels not safe at all if you get what I mean.

    I will be sticking to the program and do the work as it states.

    Thanks to everyone who can shed a light. ✨
  2. JanAtheCPA

    JanAtheCPA Beloved Grand Eagle

    Hi again @Betty Boop. Would it help to know that in the world of TMS knowledge, we laugh at labels like fibromyalgia? We joke that when the medical community is faced with a new condition they can't explain, they come up with a so-called "diagnosis" which simply combines the symptoms in a phrase that sounds official. They also frequently add either the word "Syndrome" or the word "Disorder"

    "Fibro" just refers to the fibrous muscle tissues. "Myalgia" is a term for pain.
    Therefore, you have been diagnosed with "Pain in your long-fiber muscle tissues".

    Now how do you feel about your diagnosis? It does not tell you anything you did not already know, right?

    There are three strong indicators that a condition is TMS:

    1. They don't know what causes it
    2. They don't have a treatment for it (all they can do is temporarily relieve symptoms, often with painkillers)
    3. They will put together some fancy medical words to describe it which makes it sound like you're getting a "real" diagnosis, until you realize that the words just describe the symptoms. Including the words Syndrome or Disorder really give this away.
    Ellen, Betty Boop and Maggsie like this.
  3. Betty Boop

    Betty Boop New Member

    Dear Jan,

    Thank you for replying to this post and for giving me the guidance to read that my diagnosis is meaningless because this puts things in my mind in a better order.
    I will be printing this put to read over and over again until it sinks in.
    Thanks again for taking the time to explain this and give me the courage to move forward. ✨
    JanAtheCPA likes this.

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